
*Review* Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie

Close My EyesClose My Eyes - Sophie McKenzie
Series : No
Released : 9th May 2013
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher (Thank you)
Buy : Amazon Paperback (UK/USA)/Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
The debut adult thriller from a superstar of the YA world.It's been eight years since Geniver Loxley lost her daughter, Beth. Since that day, Gen has been floundering. While her husband Art builds his business reputation and their fortune, she can't let go of Beth.
And then one day, everything changes. A strange woman shows up on Gen's doorstep, saying the very thing she longs to hear: that Beth is alive. That she is out there somewhere, waiting for Gen to find her . . .
It's insane. Unthinkable. But why would someone make up such a story? Ignoring the warnings of her husband and friends, Gen begins to hope - hope that quickly turns into fear and paranoia.
With questions swirling around her head, Gen is determined to uncover the truth. But who can she trust? Why is Art so reluctant to get involved? To save his wife from further hurt? Or something much more sinister? Is Beth even really out there? And, if so, who is responsible for taking her?
What is the truth about Beth Loxley?

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- I was very excited when I heard McKenzie had released an adult fiction book and I wasn't let down!
- Although I didn't connect that well with the main character I was still able to feel sympathy for her.
- I couldn't put this book down without thinking about it throughout the day and wanting to pick it up again.
- The ending was so intense. 

In Long
I am a big fan of Sophie McKenzie so when I heard about Close my Eyes and that it was going to be an adult fiction book I was so excited. She is such an amazing author and I always connect a lot with her stories and characters I can never put the books down. Close My Eyes was no different; in fact I was probably more addicted to this book than the others I have read by her!

Close My Eyes is one of those books that even when you’re not reading it you find yourself still thinking about it and wanting to pick it up. I found it impossible to put the book down and not wonder what was going to happen next or where Sophie would take the story and characters.

Gen is the main character, sadly I do feel I didn't connect with her as much as I would have liked too. However luckily this didn't really affect my sympathy for her, being pregnant myself I couldn't imagine what she had been through and really felt her desperation. I liked how Sophie introduced other characters into the book to add to the mysterious feel about who Gen can trust and who she can’t. I didn't know who wasn’t to be trusted right up until the end when Gen discovered who she could and couldn't trust as well.

The pace of the book varies throughout the book, the story line starts very quickly and really pulled me in from the beginning. Things then slow down a little but I liked this as it gave me a chance to get to know the characters and their personalities. Towards the end it becomes like a roller coaster and I literally couldn't put the book down, it was so intense.
Final Thoughts
Close My Eyes is an intense and roller coaster read which will have you thinking about the own people in your life and how very important trust is in a relationship, whether it’s with friends, family or partner.

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