Series : Yes (#1 Vampire King)
Released : 26th November 2012
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
.................................... The Blurb ....................................
A domina’s only purpose in life was to birth vampire children for the Quiet King. Any human woman with the domina gene spent their lives in the castle under strict rules and the guards’ watchful eyes. Brie has been a domina for two years. After witnessing the slaughter of babies, she plans to escape and seeks help from Samuel, a vampire known for aiding many out of slavery.However, Samuel has only one policy. He won’t help dominas escape the king. The penalty is too high and their blood triggers powers in him that he doesn’t want released. So Brie is forced to lie about being a domina and Samuel is lured in by her blood. Something emerges within them that they can’t deny, overwhelming their every cell and igniting an all-consuming hunger that neither can flee.
.................................... My Thoughts ....................................
In Short
- Escape is a short read at 127 pages.
- I did feel the characters could have been developed more.
- I enjoyed the picture illustrations which were throughout the book.
- I feel the second in the series has a lot of potential.
In Long
The blurb of Escape really grabbed my attention. I loved the idea of a domina and that their purpose is to mother the babies of The Quiet King, definitely the potential for a very strong storyline. I also liked the idea of Samuel, a guy who decided to help her escape. Escape is a very short read, at 127 pages, I actually felt this book could easily become a much longer story, even double the amount of pages. In fact I think that is part of the reason I struggled to become engrossed in the storyline and characters. Everything felt a bit rushed, there were some scenes which I felt could have gone into a lot more detail and therefore have been much more enthralling. Some scenes I really struggled to imagine the scene.
Escape has picture illustrations through the story which I actually really liked! I don’t usually like these sort of things as I like to be able to imagine the characters myself but I think Kenya got both characters just right and how I imagined them myself. It really worked for the story and was definitely a great addition.
The two main characters, Brie and Samuel, were both characters which I wished were explored more. Throughout the book I changed from liking to disliking Samuel’s character, I felt he contradicted himself a few times with being a nice guy then suddenly doing something not so ‘nice’. Brie is a likeable character, she obviously loves and misses her husband and children dearly and Kenya was able to get that across to me as the reader easily. I did however feel her character could have been developed a lot more, she didn't really have a personality as such.
Final Thoughts
Escape is a good quick read. The story line is a very intriguing one with great ideas behind it, sadly I did feel the ideas need more developing but feel because of this feel the second in the series could be a captivating read.