
2nd Blogoversary - Publisher Questions

So I asked all the different book publishers that I am in contact with to ask me a random question about my reading habits and such.
I hope you enjoy this post, I thought it was something different and wanted to include the publishers in my blogoversary because they are all great! (Not all publishers are in this post)

Thank you so much to everyone who sent me questions =)

Have you ever read a book and thought, hang on, this character is ME? That is me, on the page, a collection of letters and spaces but me nonetheless 
Samantha, Headline. 
Yes! Haha I do this quite a lot. I haven’t ever found a character which is exactly like me as I find they always do something which I think I wouldn’t do. However Jody from Rockaholic by CJ Skuse is quite like me. She is very blond and does silly but hilarious things.

.Where is your favourite place to read? 
Hannah, Walker 
I love reading in bed. Although the disadvantages are I get really sleepy! I also love reading in the garden in the sun with my bearded dragon and dog (both!) sat on me.

Tea or coffee or hot chocolate when reading?

Hannah, Walker
Ok so I am going to sound a bit crazy but I don’t really like either three! I don’t mind hot chocolate but would much rather have some smoothie or something!
Do you swap books with friends often? 
Hannah, Walker
I do lend out books to family but sadly I don’t have any friends that live close to me that read. However I do swap with my online book friends all the time =)
How many books do you read a year? 
Hannah, Walker
Well last year when I wasn’t working for the first half it was nearly 100 but this year now I am working it may only be 60 =(

What’s your favourite reading snack?
Hannah, Walker
Anything which is junk food! Chocolate is definitely up there ;)
Who is your favourite character that you have met and would love to be friends with in real life? And of all the different places (towns, cities, countries, continents) you’ve visited in books, which one did you love the sound of so much it made you want to visit?
Jenny, Egmont
Well the place I would most love to visit after reading a book is Paris. Die For Me just totally made Paris sound beyond amazing!
And for which character would I most love to be friends with in real life? Probably Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele (from Fifty Shades). Sorry that is two characters but I couldn’t just be friends with Mr Grey is I wasn’t also friends with Ana ;)
What, in your opinion makes a great book?
Lauren, Random House
Wow this sort of question could lead to a few pages answer. However I will make it quite short and sweet. I think, for me, the most important thing is the characters. I have been able to really get into a book which I found predictable from the beginning because the main character was amazing and had so much depth to them. Whereas I struggle to get into a book with an amazing storyline if there isn’t a character I love! So for me it’s strong characters as the main thing with an intriguing storyline and good writing which is easy to get into to. 
If you could interview any character from any book on your blog, who would you pick?
Hannah, scholastic
I know I have already included him in an answer already but I think it would Christian Grey. Or even Anastasia! In fact I would love to interview Anastasia from Fifty Shades. No idea what I would ask but it would be interesting!


  1. Fun post! I definitely look for great characters in books too and Die For Me so makes me want to go live in Paris! :)

  2. This is a great idea for a post. I totally agree that great characters make for a great read :)


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A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult