
A Year Gone By... (#44)

Released - 1st February 2011
Other Books by Lauren - Before I Fall, Liesel and Po
Rating (By my goodread friends) 
There are so many reviews I am only counting half of them
Lets just say around 80% are 5 or 4 stars!
I absolutely loved this book! I was worried I wouldn't after so many people did, I thought I would be the one to not like it but I fell in love with the story. 

Angelfire - Courtney Allison Moulton
Released - 15th February 2011
Other Books by Courtney - Wings of The Wicked
Rating (By my goodread friends) 
Twenty One 5*|Twenty One 4*|Thirteen 3*|Three 2*|Five 1*
This has really mixed reviews, it has always been one of those books I always mean't to read but haven't yet. I am unsure if I will ever get the chance!

Released - 8th February 2011
Other Books by Deborah
Shadow of Night
Rating (By my goodread friends) 
Seven 5*| Six 4*|Eight 3*| One 2*|One 1*
Really unsure about this one, I am awake it could surprise me but it doesn't really interest me. 


  1. I have both Delirium and Discover of Witches but haven't read either of them yet! Delirium I am worried if I would like it as much as everyone else seems too while Witches is just a huge book which is intimdating!

  2. I felt the same about Delirium, i thought I wouldn't like it but I did!

  3. I loved Delirium and you really have to read Angelfire sometime;)

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