PART 2 (2/3)
How much do the star ratings depend on whether you buy a book?
Positives of star ratings
Fast opinion
Like l said above, it is a very quick way to find out the general feel about a book without spending 30 minutes, which you may not have, on reading reviews..
Yiota said - I check the rating when i want a fast opinion on the book.
Mel said - (Star Ratings) can sway me if I'm undecided about giving a book a go..
More likely to read a book with higher rating
In some way l just think this is pretty natural. If your looking to buy a laptop and one has 5 star rating and another 3 star rating then your more likely to pick the 5 star. For me, if l can only afford to buy one book at that time, l am more likely to pick the higher one.
Ricki said - If a lot of people rate it high, I am more likely to try it.
Stephaine said - I may be more inclined to read a book that has a lot of high star ratings on Goodreads/blogs
Jackie said - Star ratings do somewhat influence whether or not I buy a book. Of course if I find several 2 or 1 star ratings, I am not going to waste my time. Any rating 3 or above is a possibility for me.
Miss Page Turner said - 3-5 stars ratings are always ok. 1-2 I start thinking why a book got that rating and if I really want to read it.
They are important to me
Mickey said - Star ratings are very important to me. I check Goodreads for the stars, blogs of the stars, and those make a difference when picking a book. 
Lisa said - I glance at them and they do play into my decision just not as much as the blurb.
Jules said - I do think that star ratings are important, if a book has quite a low rating I may still read it but I would be more likely to try and borrow it before buying it.
Liz said - A lot. I use the ratings system on Goodreads frequently; I usually read all the 1 star reviews first, then work my way up.
Debz said - . Of course, if the average rating is 2 stars it probably isn't as good as something that has an average of 4.5 stars.
Negatives of Star Ratings
Also l have noticed, since blogging, how everyone's star ratings work differently. For example l know some bloggers who seem to 'easily' give 5 star ratings whereas l know a few others where they LOVE a book but only give it 4 stars. This definitely needs to be took into consideration.
Different standards
This is the main issue l think with star ratings. Some people will give a 5 star rating much easier than others might do so.
Yiota said - Everyone have different standards.
Yiota said - Everyone have different standards.
Booketta said - I don't take much notice as I think a view is subjective.
Booketta said - I don't take much notice as I think a view is subjective.
Judge book by other ways
Well, l think everyone does this before looking at star ratings anyway. I mean your looking at the star ratings because you have already read the blurb or seen the cover, right? But l know some people let the book speak for itself, which l think is great because you may just love it even though other people haven't.
Ricki said - I try to let the book speak for itself (although I do greatly judge a book by its cover).
Just because others love it ..
doesn't mean your going too! This has been proved a few times for me, l have read a few books which are really popular and l haven't enjoyed. Everyone has different tastes and sometimes you just don't connect with the characters.
Phanee said - If I like the story, I'm not that easily influenced by a few negative reviews! It works the other way too. If a book has got fantastic ratings and I am not particularly drawn to the story, then I won't rush to read it.
Stephaine said - If the reviewer has explained well why they liked/din't like a book then I use this to make a judgement because their likes and dislikes may be different to mine.
Jackie said - If there is a book that is rated a 2 that still sounds interesting to me, I still might take a chance on it.
Miss Page-Turner said - I mainly focus on what the reviewer listed under positive and negative aspects.
Don't care for star ratings
Ria said - The star rating doesn't change for whether I've bought a book, borrowed it or been sent it.
Tandra said - Like I mentioned before, only my opinion really matters
Thank you -
It's because of you guys we have a great discussion!
Yiota - Splash Of Our Worlds
Booketta - Booketts'a Book Blog
Mel - Mels Random Reviews
Ricki - Reading Challenged
Phanee - Funny Wool
Mickey - I'm A Book Shark
Thinking Cat - Cat's Thoughts
Stephaine - Books Are A Girl's Best Friend
Karen - The Slowest Bookworm
Jackie - Books & Tea
Lisa - Lisa's World Of Books
Jules - The Great, The Good and The Bad
Kirsty - The Overflowing Library
Liz - Planet Print
Ria - The Beaucoup Review
Debz - Debz Bookshelf
Miss Page Turner - Miss Page-Turners City Of Books
Tandra - Awesome Sauce Books
Thank you -
It's because of you guys we have a great discussion!
Yiota - Splash Of Our Worlds
Booketta - Booketts'a Book Blog
Mel - Mels Random Reviews
Ricki - Reading Challenged
Phanee - Funny Wool
Mickey - I'm A Book Shark
Thinking Cat - Cat's Thoughts
Stephaine - Books Are A Girl's Best Friend
Karen - The Slowest Bookworm
Jackie - Books & Tea
Lisa - Lisa's World Of Books
Jules - The Great, The Good and The Bad
Kirsty - The Overflowing Library
Liz - Planet Print
Ria - The Beaucoup Review
Debz - Debz Bookshelf
Miss Page Turner - Miss Page-Turners City Of Books
Tandra - Awesome Sauce Books
Great discussion! I, personally, have a thing against star ratings but it was interesting to read why other people like or dislike them. :)
ReplyDeleteI think if you post reviews on different sites you do have to develop a rating system. I go by the Goodreads one as I don't see the point in the Amazon way of having 1 for hate and 2 for dislike, though that means I have to adjust the ones I repost to Amazon. I'd probably be put off if a book had less than 3 star average on Goodreads but I have enjoyed ones that fall into this category too!
ReplyDeletei like what you said about looking at the stars from bloggers you know and other friends first.
ReplyDeleteAnother great discussion!
ReplyDeleteInteresting discussion and you brought up quite a few points that I have been thinking about recently, like how some people give out many more 4 and 5 stars than others.
ReplyDeleteLike you've said though, at the end of the day it all depends on your own personal taste - a bit like food really. Some people love sushi so much they'd eat it every day. I wouldn't even let it past my lips lol. It's the same with books though isn't it?
This was an interesting discussion! I like ratings because they give me a context for the review. But, that said, I really need to read the review and not just rely on ratings.
ReplyDeletePeople have different standards. For me, books I rate 3 or 3.5 stars are still good books I would recommend, but for other people that seems like a very low rating. I've become increasingly less likely to give books a 5 because I save that for the books that I REALLY loved.