
Top Ten Tuesday #5

Top Ten is run by The Broke and the Bookish 

Top Ten Books Dealing With Tough Subjects
If you haven't read this book then read it. Seriously, READ IT! It's amazing and really had me feeling so many emotions. It's a shocking book which I became very wrapped up to the point where all I could think about was what was going to happen next. It's not a true story but everything about it feels real. 

I feel like I am going to repeat myself with each book by saying how powerful this book is but it really is powerful. It's about a girl in a abusive relationship who tries to get away. The character building in this story is amazing. 

But I Love Him
I was so excited to get my hands on this book and had huge expectations. Although I didn't give it 5/5 I definitely loved this book despite the difficult subject.

Not quite on the same level as the previous books but this book is about a girl who is held captive and the person who took her won't talk to her. I found it really interesting to see what isolation can do to someone and how emotions work. Good read!

A very raw book about an abusive relationship which took me on an very raw roller coaster. 

This is a story about a young boy with a face deformity and how it effects the people around him, not just him. The most powerful thing about this book for me was seeing how it doesn't just effect  him but his family's and friends life and having to deal with everything. 

This is a story about a deaf girl and how she goes about her life with her disability. A very interesting book which had me seeing things in a different light.    

This is probably the most shocking and hardest read in whole list because this is a true story written by the girl who went through some terrible events. It's about a British girl who is kidnapped and has to become a sex slave. 

Hostage Three - Nick Lake
This isn't a powerful book or anything as such but deals with a girl who is kidnapped by pirates. The relationships in this story and how they change while in captivity was really interesting.  


  1. I've only read two of your books -- STOLEN and WONDER. I felt the same way as you about the former. Just wow, you know? I didn't love WONDER, even though tons of people did. It wasn't a terrible book, just not as amazing as the hype made it sound.

    Happy TTT!

  2. My top 2 tough reads are probably The Fault in Our Stars and Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. Thanks for sharing yours. Stolen was such a confusing read, because in the end I like HIM, too! And I have an ARC of Whisper on my shelf, should get to read it very soon!


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