
Cover Crazy #78

Is there someone else who hosts a Cover Crazy on a Monday?
How My Summer Went Up in Flames
How My Summer Went Up In Flames - Jennifer Doktorski
I have to admit I am not usually a big fan of covers which have the title all over the front cover and I don't necessarily love that about this cover but I actually think it suits the cover quite well.  
I love this cover because :
- I like the font for the title, it's like a fun font which goes well with the 'theme' of the cover (summer and girly) 
- The picture itself is one which I love. I don't know why but the little things like her spotty colourful top and the car, it makes the book seem like a really fun sort of book.   
- Well it makes me think summer! 
Dislike :
- I am still unsure about the title, I would love to see the title made smaller and put at the bottom and see what the cover looks like then. 

Ask The PassengersAsk the Passengers - A.S King
This cover is quite unique. I know it has a girl and the sun and that's not that unique but I like how she has her hand over the sun/light. It's actually intrigues me quite a bit about the book!
I love/like this cover because :
- I like the simple picture but that it draws my attention. 
- I like that there are only a few different colours used, it gives the cover a nice feel. 
- Even though it draws my attention i don't know if it keeps my attention! 
- The title seems to be almost in the way of the cover. It would be better at the top right maybe?
-I don't know, I like it but at the same time don't. 

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