Please welcome Alix Wenmouth to Books for Company
Alix's debut book is called Addicted To You and was released on 22nd March
Addicted to You is now available in paperback!

On Books :
Paperback or Kindle?
Paperback. One of my favourite things in the world is a well stocked bookshelf. However, when it comes to going on holiday books can take up most of my suitcase, so in that instance - definitely Kindle!
Series or Stand Alone?
Hmm. This is a tricky one - some of my favourite all time books are stand alone, like Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls or classics like Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray. But then Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials is my favourite series, I absolutely love them and have read them again and again. I remember sitting down excitedly when I was about ten with a book of short stories that included one by Richard Adams about the rabbits in my favourite film (that became my favourite book) of all time Watership Down. It terrified me, I had nightmares for weeks.
Cover or Blurb?
Both. But I get a bit obsessed with covers. If there are different versions in a series, I have to make sure mine are all from the same set. I remember being really gutted when I was bought Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for Christmas and the cover was from the wrong set. I wanted to read it so badly though that I couldn't wait for the shops to open to change it. It still annoys me a bit when I see it sat on my bookshelf, looking out of sync with all the others!
Long or Short?
I don't think the length of a book really matters as long as it catches my attention and draws me in. Once I'm hooked that's it.
Fiction or Non Fiction?
Fiction. I love getting lost in another world for a bit.
Random :
Sand or Snow?
Right now: SAND. I am dying for a holiday!
Animal's or People?
Both. My friends and family are hugely important to me and I don't get to see any of them as much I'd like, so I cherish the time I spend with them. I have always had cats, I couldn't live without feline company.
Tidy or Messy?
Tidy. Although that's easier said than done isn't it?!
Plane or Car?
Hmm. I love a road trip, there's nothing like going on an adventure. Can I have both? I'd like a plane to take me to America, and then a vintage car to drive down the west coast in.
Laptop or Phone?
I definitely suffer from an unhealthy attachment to my phone. I never turn it off, just incase. I was at Glastonbury last weekend and when my phone died I had about 30 minutes of sheer panic before I calmed down and embraced the freedom from my emails and the connection with the outside world. I was actually quite disappointed when I had to turn it on and step back into reality again!
Library or Bookshop?
Libraries are a really important part of our society. The amount of closures that there have been lately are really worrying. I spent a huge amount of time in my local library when I was a child, I agree with Philip Pullman when he says that libraries are vital to help children unlock their imaginations. People of all ages use the library - my Nan has always used her local one. They mean so much more to people than just being a place to borrow books from.

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Buy Addicted to You
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