
*Review* Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Series : No
Released : 18th March 2014
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Sydney has life sorted - college, a part time job, a gorgeous boyfriend, and a flat which she shares with her best friend... until she finds out that Hunter has been cheating on her.
As Sydney's world crashes around her, she finds solace in the music of the guy next door, Ridge, a gorgeous guitar player who practises on his balcony every night.
Sydney and Ridge are inevitably drawn to each other, and begin writing songs together, but life isn't always as simple as it seems...

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Maybe Someday pleasantly surprised me.
- There is a very big twist which shocked and captivated me.
-  There is beautiful music and lyrics included throughout.

In Long
I love it when a book pleasantly surprises me and Maybe Someday did just that! Reading the blurb it did sound like a good read but I never expected to be as captivated by this book as I was, especially when the big twist was revealed.

The ‘big twist’ really surprised me in this book and I couldn’t wait to really get into the ‘thick’ of the book when it was revealed. I always love reading a book with a unique twist and Maybe Someday most definitely has that. Even better there are further twists to come which ensure you most definitely won’t be putting this book down without a big struggle.
This book really has a bit of every emotion you can imagine; it’s very much a big rollercoaster. One second it’s all about love which is expressed through music and then next songs are being written about heartbreak and mixed emotions. I didn’t know where I was or what was going to happen next!
I love it when books are written from alternating point of views. I feel it gives a whole different new aspect to book and makes the characters so much more real and alive. Real and alive characters make me, as the reader, that much more emotionally charged towards them.

I’m trying so hard not to include any spoilers so I’m going to cut my review short here. Hopefully just me telling you that you NEED to read this book is enough to pick it up and find out for yourself about why you are seriously missing out unless you pick it up. Go. NOW! =)

Final Thoughts
You know a book is pretty special when the well written blurb doesn't even get close to touching on how awesome and refreshing this book is! 

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  1. Yay! I'm excited about reading this one. I didn't like the Slammed series but absolutely LOVED Hopeless, hope this one is as good (if not better) as Hopeless! :)

    Tirta @ I Prefer Reading

    1. It's such a good read. I'm sure you will love it =) x


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