
In my Mailbox! (#27)

In order of picture

Thank you
Random House
Caroline Green
Serendipity & Little Brown
Josette & Emily


  1. Thirtheen Reasons Why sounds really good and interesting. I love the cover of this book too. I think I will be ordering that one soon. Enjoy the books you got.

  2. Great books! I'm going to read more about Skin

    Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  3. Great IMM! I still haven't gotten a chance to read Bumped yet but I def want to!

    My IMM is here:

  4. Great set! I really want to read 13 Reasons Why and Raising Demons.
    My IMM

  5. wOOW loads of great books. I have heard so much about Bumped it sounds great. Do u know if its avaiable in the UK. I won Never bite a boy on the first date, sound like a good read.

    My IMM: http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-my-mailbox-9.html

  6. Megan - It's released in UK on 4th August by Random House =)

  7. The Opposite of Amber is absolutely brilliant. Bumped looks really great. And I love the PB cover of Thirteen Reasons Why - I'm not sure if I like that or the HC cover better. Enjoy all your books :)

  8. I love all those books! I got a copy of Dark Ride as well this week, but I bought mine lol. Hope you enjoy Bumped. I have it on my Kindle and I'm dying to get to it.

  9. I've been wanting "Bumped" and "Thirteen Reasons..." for ages! I look forward to hearing what you think!

    Thanks for checking out My IMM earlier today, too.


    P.S. Your dog is ADORABLE!

  10. I have been trying to place your accent ever since your first vlog! Mystery kind of solved it seems :)

    Great books this week. Make sure you get to 13 Reasons Why soon (:

  11. Thanks everyone =)

    Laura - I hope you get to read both of them =)
    Your welcome and thank you

    Kate - Haha!! I kinda think l have the 'typical British accent' that most non English people expect but l don't know if that is just because of course you never think you have an accent!
    I will try, it sounds amazing =)

  12. Great pile of books this week. I liked Bumped, maybe not as much as I was hoping, but it was really good. Like Kate said, 13 Reasons Why is really great and you should definitely get to it quickly. Happy reading!

    My Mailbox

  13. OMG you probably hear this all the time from Americans, but I love your accent! I've heard good things about Bumped, I definitely need to pick it up soon :) Hope you enjoy all of these, happy reading!

  14. I loved Raising Demons! Hope you enjoy it :). Bumped sounds pretty interesting too - happy reading :).

  15. Wow! Enjoy Jodie - So many good books there :) Donna

  16. Great books - I'm really curious about Bumped - can't wait to read what you think! :)

  17. Ooooh great books! I got Thirteen Reasons Why a few weeks ago must read it soon.
    Happy reading.

  18. You got a lot of books! Happy reading. Can't wait to see what you think of them. I still need to read Thirteen Reasons Why as well. And Bumped, ha, ha.

  19. I've read some mixed reviews of Bumped, I hope you enjoy all your new reads!

  20. I LOVED Thirteen Reasons Why, is such a powerful novel, so I hope you really enjoy it! I still need to read the second Hex Hall book and I've never heard of Skin before, but its sounds pretty interesting. BTW, I'm the same as you I don't want to know a lot about a book before I read it.


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