
Discussion Post - What Do Star Ratings and Reviews Mean To You? (3/4)

PART 3 (3/4)
I know l said there would be 3 parts but l decided to put it up to 4!
To see part 1 of this discussion click here
To see part 2 of this discussion click here

Do reviews/star ratings ever turn you OFF a book?
Bad Star Ratings/Reviews DON'T turn me off
Tandra said - Nope. I try to give every book a chance!
Bad Star Ratings/Reviews SOMETIMES turn me off
Stephanie said - I may be more inclined to read a book that has a lot of high star ratings on Goodreads/blogs but if the reviewer has explained well why they liked/didn't like a book then I use this to make a judgement because their likes and dislikes may be different to mine.
Debz said - It depends on the reason it received a bad review. If it just wasn't that person's kind of book, but they don't give a good reason to not read it, then I still consider giving it a chance. 
Jules said - It really depends on the book and how many star ratings are negative, if it's only a handful then, no, but it there are loads of people all thinking the same thing then I suppose it does put me off a book. 

Jackie said - If a reviewer makes a reasonable argument about why they disliked a book, and if it sounds like a reason I would not like a book I'm not going to bother.  Star ratings do turn me off to a book too, but if the synopsis of the story still sounds like something I would enjoy, I will take my chances and purchase it anyway.

Phanee said - Sometimes, a review (not a star rating) might make me a bit dubious as to whether or not I will enjoy a book. But never to the point of completely turning away from it.

Mel said - Sometimes - it depends on the source of the review. Bloggers I trust would impact me more.

Ricki said - If a lot of people rate it high, I am more likely to try it, but I try to let the book speak for itself

Bad Star Ratings/Reviews DO turn me off
Mickey said - Sure. If I flip through Goodreads' reviews and find that a lot of people have given the book low star ratings, I will probably pass for something that has received higher ratings. 
Liz said - I have to say, yes. I am very fussy when it comes to buying book because I'm a student and I can't afford to waste money on something I may not even like. So I usually use reviews and star ratings as a basis on whether or not to buy a book. If the average rating for a book on Goodreads is 3.4 or below, then in most cases I will skip that book, or I will borrow it.
The Slowest Bookworm said -  If the star rating is low then I probably wont buy the book.  The exception to this would be if it's a fairly new or unknown book and there were only maybe one or two ratings up for it, then I would be tempted to give it a try.
Yiota said - Reviews: Yes. Only if it's from one of the blogs, i'm really close too since they think almost the same with me.
My Thoughts
I have to admit l am more on the side of bad reviews and star ratings mostly turn me off, there isn't many times when l ignore that a book has a lot of bad reviews/star ratings. I think this is just because mainly l don't have enough time to read books which l'm not going to love and also because l trust my Goodreads friends with their judgement. 

Do you feel that you are less likely to buy books with less reviews?
Yiota said - I'm one of the people, who can read the most unknown book ever and love it. Reviews help me, mostly, to decide which book to buy first.

Mel said - No - I like the idea of giving book which don't have the biggest PR & marketing campaigns a chance! 

Mickey said - No, not at all. I buy or borrow lots of books that none of my friends (bloggers or not) haven't read, just because I liked the sound of the story.

 Thinking Cat said - Not if the book looks interesting!  I am an ecclectic reader, so just because other people are/are not reading something doesn't mean I won't love it.

The Slowest Bookworm said - No, it only takes me to see one review sometimes to get my interest. 

Jackie said - No.  I'm actually less likely to buy a book that's been read by everyone.  Book hype is kind of a turn off to me

Jules said - No, but if I am unsure about a book I do like there to be some substantial reviews available. 

Liz said -  If I saw a book on Goodreads that only had three reviews, then I would be less inclined to buy it just because I would think I didn't have enough information about it to make a decision. However, if the synopsis sounded very, very good, and the three reviews were all excellent ones, then I may, if I were feeling adventurous, go out and buy the book anyway. 

Debz said - No. I don't pay attention to how many reviews it has. I just pay attention to the content of the reviews that are there.

Miss Page-Turner said - No, then I want to buy it to read the very first fan! 

Tandra said - No way! That makes me more inclined to read the book! The books with less reviews tend to the hidden gems.

My Thoughts
This depends, l think l sometimes wait for a few people to read the book before l go and spend over the average on a book such as over £6. If l am lucky enough to get a book for review l love reading books which aren't well known because then l get introduce a new book to all my followers!
I think it's great that other people think the same as debut authors and indie authors and then being given a chance by many people!

Due to this post being long already please click here to see everyone who took part... thanks all!

Thank you -
It's because of you guys we have a great discussion!
Yiota - Splash Of Our Worlds
Booketta - Booketts'a Book Blog
Mel - Mels Random Reviews
Ricki - Reading Challenged
Phanee - Funny Wool
Mickey - I'm A Book Shark
Thinking Cat - Cat's Thoughts
Stephaine - Books Are A Girl's Best Friend
Karen - The Slowest Bookworm
Jackie - Books & Tea
Lisa - Lisa's World Of Books
Jules - The Great, The Good and The Bad
Kirsty - The Overflowing Library
Liz - Planet Print
Ria - The Beaucoup Review
Debz - Debz Bookshelf
Miss Page Turner - Miss Page-Turners City Of Books
Tandra - Awesome Sauce Books


  1. I really love these discussion posts!

    P.s. I like getting the emails to remind me that everything has been posted :)

  2. Another great post! Lot of food for thought! Star Ratings make a big difference in whether I buy a book or not especially when it comes to my favourite bloggers ratings I trust their opinion!

  3. Great post! A lot of good feedback, too :)

    Personally, I'm in the "it depends" category. If reviews are mixed but it sounds good, I will still try the book. If someone says something negative that I don't think is a problem, I'll still try the book. If they point out flaws that will turn me off, I'll be less likely to read it.

    For example, this morning I read Small Review's review of WRAPPED and decided I most likely won't be read this one after all.

    On the other hand, a book I might NEVER read such as ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS or THE HUNGER GAMES because they're not my normal fare might get such great raves that I have to check them out...and fall in love myself. In fact, b/c of THG, I now love the Dystopian genre! Who would have thought?

  4. This was a great dicussion post. Personally I stopped using star ratings a while ago and feel a lot freer when I write my reviews now. It's just easier to not label a book with numbers and stars for me ^-^


  5. "Jackie said - No. I'm actually less likely to buy a book that's been read by everyone. Book hype is kind of a turn off to me"

    So true!!

  6. I don't get put off by start ratings but can be put off by reviews if they list negative points which I feel I would agree with. I am not put off at all by books that have few reviews. A few of my favourite books didn't have any reviews yet so just shows sometimes it is worth a try.

    (great blog by the way I have only just found you!!)

  7. I think Im kinda in the middle on this one, for me it depends on who the review/rating came from..If it's one of my close book blogging friends, and we have the same taste in books, and they rate a book really bad, then I proably wont pick it up..but if it comes from someone that posts ALOT of bad reviews then I ignore whatever they say and get it anyways (: Great post! (:


  8. I love these posts as well - taking part and reading everyone elses opinion is great - really makes me think about books in a different way! :)

  9. I love these posts!

    Low ratings don't turn me off. I almost always read low ratings. I like it when the reviewer lists why they didn't like the book. That way I can see if the things that bothered them would bother me (or actually make me like the book more).

  10. Thanks everyone for your comments! =)

    A Backwards Story - I am the same! There is so many books l would never have read and a few genres l love now because of other bloggers.

    ReaBookreview - That is very true, just because books don't have many reviews it doesn't mean they aren't a great books and quite a few books have proven this too me.

    Haley - I am the same, some people seem to give low ratings quite often so l am less likely to be affected by their rating/


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