
Paperback or Hardback? (#19)

0.4Human.4<< Hardback
Paperback <3 <<
The HB is the USA version, the PB the UK.
They are very a like but l still prefer the PB/UK much more. I don't like the bright lighting behind the hand in the HB and also not so sure about the yellow text, l tend not to love the colour yellow on a book cover! The PB/UK is much simpler, l like how the text suits the colours of the actual books more. Although l find it hard to read the authors name whereas in the HB it's clear.
Born of Shadows (The League, #4)
Born of Shadows>> Hardback 
Paperback <<
I can't choose between these two, l don't think either of them are good covers and sadly they don't make me want to pick the book up.
I like the gold in the HB and l think this is one cover where the yellow looks ok in the PB as it makes it stand out. Apart from that, l don't think there is much which is great about either cover
Thirst (Last Vampire)Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death (Thirst No. #4)>> Paperback 1
Paperback 2 <33 <<
I actually really like this cover! I prefer PB 2  just because of the text and l like that bit of colour to the cover. Although l like how she has her hand on his arm in the PB 1 and the text of the authors name.  Also in the PB 1  it actually say what number it is in the series which l like and it makes it so much easier for everyone. 

Please note, some covers l feature are 
also in other formats. For example a HB cover is usually also in PB and a PB cover is also sometimes on a HB etc.
Also sometimes the PB may be a UK one and the HB may be USA. 
It's just a way to compare covers.
</3 - Ok
<3 - Like
<33 Love


  1. Definitely hardback for the first two. I'm a bit unsure about Thirst...the covers are so similar! I guess I'll go with the paparback.

  2. I love 0.4! I actually have no preference... as long as the cover is pretty, I'm happy!

  3. Paperback for 0.4, the yellow letters look out of place. I like the first cover for Thirst with her hand and the font, but the red is a nice addition to the second.

  4. I agree on the first one, I really like the paperback version without the yellow. I like the monochromatic look, it adds that more sterile feel that's very sci-fi I think:) This is a really fun comparison, thanks for sharing!

  5. I love the paperbacks for all three books :) Even though I haven't read them, they look interesting. Donna x

  6. I'm not sure on the first one. I like both covers. The yellow probably would be more effective in grabbing my attention on a shelf though. I also like the title on the US version better just because it's easier for me to say.

    I agree with you on the second book. Both are just kind of meh. Totally agree about the third book. I really like the title treatment the second paperback has, but I do like how the first paperback tells you what number in the series it is. It's so annoying when books don't have that!


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