
Cover Crazy #18

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Hosted by thebookworms
One of those very pretty covers!

Reasons I love it :
I love how one flower if glowing 
The girl is wearing white which looks really good
How the girl is sitting
The position of the title and authors name
The setting makes you question where she is
How the sun shines on her back

Not sure about :
The title looks a bit like it has been coloured in
I wish the background was a bit .. different?


  1. I like this one but for some reason I am not keen on the font, colour or location of the author's name.

  2. I hadn't heard of this book until now .. I will check it out on Goodreads (thanks ;) !
    The cover looks soooo pretty !!

  3. This one is nice, but kind of bland? I don't think I'd notice it on a shelf. I like the picture of the girl and the water, but there's too much empty space to the right of her. Maybe if the title was moved down into that spot? I think I'd also use a different font/color for the title. Maybe brighten up the image a little too. The girl is very pretty.

  4. Wow thats so pretty. Mystical looking.

    Very mysterious yet serene as well.

  5. I really like the cover! The mist and lily pond really add a neat mood to the book.

  6. I don't care for the title treatment, either, but I like the girl and the way she's posing in that beautiful enchanted forest/pond!

  7. I've never read anything by Hocking... I've heard she's fabulous though! I do like this cover!

  8. I love this cover...not crazy about the title font, but the colours are stunning. Fab feature :)

  9. i love how the title is written using that font! and i agree that the glowing flower is a very nice touch to that cover...

    here's mine: http://bookcomfort.blogspot.com/2011/05/cover-crazy-monday-10.html

  10. I do love the whole cover picture. The girl and the mystical woods behind her. I don't like the title though. It would have looked so much better with a 'pretty' font and in white, or even pink as it is, just different.


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