
Discussion Post - Reasons We Love Our Libraries! (Part 2)

PART 2 (2/4)
Sorry, was unable to do this last week due to blogger being down!

Is there anything which puts you off going to your library?
Well l am rather lucky to have a library that doesn't mind a bit of noise. In fact l went in the other week and they had a rhyme group and children (and parents) where singing at the top of their voices! I took my nephew this week and he was running around saying "come on auntie Jodie" but l was still made to feel welcome and everyone was smiling at him. If my library was all strict on the "libraries should be silent" l probably wouldn't go as much.

Littlepinkstars44 said - I don't like old fashioned libraries, ones where you can't even breathe loudly. I think thats why I like mine so much, it is much more modern.

Librarians can literally make or break a library from my point of view. A lot of people said in what they love about their library that it is the people that work there! If you have 'sour faced' librarians who aren't welcoming then your going to feel like they hate you for being there (l do anyway!) Luckily l have lovely welcoming librarians.

Small review said There is one library I don't like going to because the librarians aren't very nice. 

Tidy/Right Place
This doesn't really bother me, most of the time l am just browsing so l don't mind if the author is in the wrong place. But when it does bother me is when it comes to me wanting to find a certain book l just know is there (online checking) it can get frustrating when 30 minutes later l am still looking.

Moonstar said - I get anoyed about how messy they put the books sometimes. xD And when books are on the wrong place. I start putting them in correct places :P

Books are heavy
The parking isn't great near my library, l think we have like 2 spaces outside my library and if you want to park anywhere else near your going to have to pay £2 for 2 hours. This makes it difficult for people living at the other side of town or elderly people, especially when even if you pay £2 you are still a 5ish minute walk away. I am lucky to live a 10 minute walk away but my arms still ache even after that! I can imagine it is a put-off for people who live too far away and they may just prefer to buy books and get them delivered, it's a shame though!

Cherie said - Weather (the parking for my library isn't great)

Small Review said - The bigger libraries are about a 30 minute drive away...with lots of annoying traffic

Khadija said - I don't have a car and it's a pain somtimes to walk to Rittenhouse Square and then back with a ton of books.

Does your Library have up to date books?
I found that most people who do go to their libraries have books which are up to date whereas people who said they don't go to their library don't have up to date books.

Requests -
I am not sure if with my library you can actually request a book and they order it but l do know if they have it in another library in the county they will order from there for me. I was really pleased to see most people said they can request them :

Booketta said -  They will get them in from other libraries or from the central stacks.

Littlepinkstars44 said - My library takes requests for new books, and are usually very good about buying the latest released in a book series as soon as they are released!

Kelly said - We can't always get books the month when they come out, but we usually get them within a month or two of their publication date

Holding -
I have to pay £1 to do this at my library but it doesn't bother me at all! A lot of people mentioned how you can put books on 'hold' and basically reserve it so no one else can get it before you.

Cherie said - Yes, and with the fabulous hold scheme they have, you can be on the waiting list for the book before it is even released.

No -
Sadly not all libraries have up to date books, especially small ones. My one is quite small, one of the smallest in my county out of about 6 libraries. Sometimes if your library is small they won't have up to date books like the bigger ones do.

MoonStar said -  I don`t know about the local library here, in the small town I live now. But the big city I lived in before had some, but not enough if you ask me :P mostly old ones.

Danni said - In the system yes, at my specific branch not necessarily.  

Thank you -
Littlepinkstars44 - Belle Books
Small Review - Small Review

Come back next week when l carry on the discussion and find out about why some people DON'T visit their library.


  1. You bring up some really good points. I think everyone has different experiances with libraries depending on how good theirs is. I'd love a great library by me I'd be there all the time! Can't wait to see the next part of the discussion!

  2. I've only just started using the library again and so far my impressions are good. I walk past my local one to get to work and even though it's small it's one of many in the borough - if I want a book that's the other side of town, I can reserve it and I can pick it up locally. They phone me up when it's ready to collect too! The selection of books has really surprised me too...I'm not sure what I was expecting but I've picked up a few books that are fairly new and I wouldn't have wanted to buy.

  3. I don't visit my local library becuase it's not organized and doesn't have an up to date YA section. But mainly there is not organization at all..which is unheard of because libraries follow the dewey decimal system...this one doesn't..

  4. I have only just in the last couple of weeks started using my library. It's a small one like yours and they wont let you reserve new books, just ones they already have. In fact they don't have new books in.

    Enjoyed reading this. Thanks :-)

  5. LOL, I totally agree with Moonstar! It's always bugged me when library shelves are out of order and now that I work in a library it drives me extra crazy. I have a few patrons who I know will mess up the shelves so I'm always hovering around them waiting for them to leave so I can fix the shelves before anyone else sees the mess.

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