
Discussion Post - Reasons We Don't Love Our Libraries!

PART 3 (3/4)
Previous 2 posts on this discussion are HERE
Well, l do love my library and after the past 2 posts about us discussing why we DO love our libraries it's now time to discuss why some of us, sadly, don't love our libraries. 
I actually didn't visit my library that much a few years ago and although l am sure my mum took me when l was younger when l got to around 10 l never went. I always had books to read at home and l think that was why, although l didn't use to read a few years back. I found it really interesting to find out why some people don't visit their libraries and also sad because for a lot of people they would like to visit a library but their local one isn't that great.

Is there anything which would make you want to go to your library?
No one actually mentioned how if it was closer or the librarians were nicer so maybe this isn't a issue for most people. Will have to see the answers for next weeks questions.

Book Condition 
I have an obsession with keeping my books neat and no creases or anything, to the point where l hardly open the book! If l borrow a library book which is old then the creases in the spine get to me so therefore l can see why it annoys people. But at the same time, should the library spend money on a new copy of a book they already have or a new book just out?

Rebecca said -  If they focus more on keeping the books 'healthy'. I thing those plastics covers over them is a great idea!

Danna said - If my library had more books that were in better condition, I would maybe want to go.
Books l want to read
I think sometimes the libraries focus a lot on updating one area and sometimes the genre of books you like aren't updated enough meaning there is nothing for you.

Mel s said - I'd love to go back but the choice of books in my local library doesn't extend to the Urban fantasy range that I love.

Kirsty said - If they had books they I wanted to read. 
Newer Books
I don't know about other countries but l know libraries at the moment in the UK are really struggling with the money side of things and a lot have had to close down. I think this means smaller libraries are often missing out and aren't getting up to date books.

Kate said - A wider, more reguarly updated range of books in the YA section.

Mel s said - The last I went there the sci-fi and fantasy range was limited and didn't look like it had been undated for 10 years!

Aleetha said - If only they clean their shelves and change it with many great and new books.
Why do YOU feel less people go to libraries now?
People don't read
I do kind of agree with this. Sadly with a lot of people the TV, Laptop, Game Console goes before reading and therefore books are just left at the side.
Kate said - People just don't read anymore. I have two friends who read... one who gets all her books from me and one who only reads the classics. Other than that I don't know a single person who reads. 
Miss Page-Turner said - Blogger free households might tend to be busy watching tv or spending time with electronic devices. 
Old Fashioned 
I guess this could be seen in two ways. One being they are old fashioned compared to things like game consoles. The other way is because they have old books and not any new books which are out (for some libraries.)
Angela - The Internet. Not just for personal reading, but for research, even. In my school days I would frequent the library to look things up for school, but now we can just go online and find whatever we want.
Mel S said - I think libraries are seen as old fashioned. When there are new books released pratically every day the range in local libraries can't keep up.
Rebecca said - I also think that reading has been much less appreciated from teens and is frowned upon somewhat.
Like l discussed in the why we love our libraries, some people did say the parking for their library was bad or it was quite a drive. For some people l guess it may be easier to just buy books (although for me l love free books!)
Danna said - I think that less people go because most have ereaders and can borrow ebooks from other people or buy their own with a touch of a button.
I do believe books are less expensive now and with things like ebooks some books are only £2/£3 for the kindle so l guess it's sometimes easier to buy them than go to the library and have a deadline to meet or renew.
Kirsty said - Books are cheaper and more freely available.
Lesley said - I can pick up books cheaply online and at places like telco etc and then keep them if I love them.
Thank you
Angela - Bookish


  1. Interesting post. Another reason could be this: people like to own their books. I always dread going to the library because I never know if I'll love a book that I'll end up wanting to keep.
    Great idea!

  2. Definitely very interesting. One thing I would like to point out, in terms of should libraries buy copies of books they already have in their systems when the copies they have are worn for use, is that purchasing books, new or as replacements, costs money. It also costs money to process those books and catalog them. To give you an example: If a customer of the library system I work for loses or damages a book to the point where we can't circulate it, they can either pay the replacement cost of the item, or they can purchase a replacement copy of it. Because of the time and money involved, however, they have to purchase a copy of exactly what is checked out to them. Based on my interactions with customers, I think many people don't realize that it doesn't just cost the libraries money to purchase a materials, it also costs money to process the materials. I can understand why people would rather read copies of books that are in new/better condition, but I think it's unfortunate that books being older and in not as good condition would deter them from visiting the library.

  3. And I thought I had just missed the blog link part. ha! I'm here. :)

    I'm loving these discussions, by the way. It's really interesting to see what others think.

  4. Hm, condition is an interesting point. It doesn't really bother me unless the book is sticky/has food on it or smells bad. I want my own books to stay in perfect condition (they don't even look like they've been read!) but I don't care if a library book has spine creases or things like that.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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