Started : 18th November 2010
Finished : 22nd November 2010
Rating : 3.5/5
The Blurb
Josie goes back a long way with Nell and Lisa-they've been flatmates, soul-mates, and best mates and, what now seems a lifetime ago, have all lived in London in a succession of grotty flats. Finding a photo of the three of them together on a sun-kissed beach has prompted Josie into proposing a reunion for things are different now-for a start, those glorious, multi-colored crop tops and scant bikinis have (in her case, anyway) been exchanged for all-in-one black swimsuits and cover-all sarongs. Now Josie is married with kids, Nell has been traveling and carries the baggage of several failed romances, and Lisa is on the path to career glory (and the salary Premiership) . So will Lisa still be the plump one, and Nell the laid back hippy she has always been? Nothing is ever entirely predictable, and as the evening ensues, Josie discovers that there are secrets lurking between them that are ready to be revealed, and that her own life is about to change forever.
My Review:
Where to start with this book? This is a strange book for me to say whether l loved it or not, the blurb l feel basically tells the story and find it pretty cliche for the rest of the book. I therefore didn't connect greatly with the story line, feeling like l was just reading a pretty plain storyline that didn't ever have me gripped or unable to put the book down. It's the sort of book you would read if wanted a easy going book to read while you have a lot on your mind or are busy and can only read in small sections, l don't think this is the sort of book you would want to sit and read a big chunk of in one go.
However l thought this book was written in a way where even though it was pretty predictable all the way through l still connected to the main character, Josie and therefore found l enjoyed this book.
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