
*Review* Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Ugly Love
Released : 5th August
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
An unforgettable love story that breaks all the rules.

When Tate Collins finds airline pilot Miles Archer passed out in front of her apartment door, it is definitely not love at first sight. In fact, they wouldn't even consider themselves friends. But what they do have is an undeniable mutual attraction.

He doesn't want love and she doesn't have time for a relationship, but their chemistry cannot be ignored. Once their desires are out in the open, they realise they have the perfect set-up, as long as Tate can stick to two rules - never ask about the past and don't expect a future.

Tate convinces herslelf she's ok with it, but soon realises that it's harder than she thought. Will she be able to say no to her sexy pilot when he lives just next door?

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Ugly Love took total power over my mind.
- Both Tate are real and fascinating characters with so much depth.
- Written in a beautiful and heart wrenching way.

In Long
This is a hard review to write because I want to do Ugly Love justice but I am not sure I can. It’s such a powerful, intense read that I honestly couldn’t put it down. It took over my life for not just the time I was reading it but all the time between and even after finishing it the characters were still in my head, especially Miles!

I actually love that this book is an emotional rollercoaster which leaves you with mixed emotions not just at the end but throughout the whole book. Usually when finishing a book I feel a sense of completion and I did in a way but the mixed emotions left me with a feeling of confusion on how to feel! I can’t say what I want to without writing a spoiler but you will know what I mean if you read it. The meaning and feelings behind Miles and his character is a beautiful but heart wrenching one which will pull at your heart strings.

Tate and Miles are the most fascinating and real characters I have had the pleasure to meet in quite a while and I totally fell in love with both of their characters. They both have so much depth to them that they really came alive to me. Being told in alternating point of views really helped me as a reader get into both their heads and see the world from their mind, I always think this makes a book that much more interacting with me as the reader.

The writing is just beautiful and completely gripping. Even when not reading Ugly Love I was thinking about Tate and Miles and what would happen to them. I am definitely a huge fan of Colleen and she has definitely set a high standard for herself!

Final Thoughts
All I can say is READ IT! But before you do, get some snacks, a drink and climb into bed, make sure you prepare yourself to fall head over heels in love with a guy called Miles! I bet you won’t want to put it down.

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