Top Five Series
by JE Shannon
Title: Awakenings
Author: J. E. Shannon
Publisher: Entranced Publishing
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Release Date: July 29th 2013
With that in mind here are my personal favorite series.
The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlene Harris
I love Sookie! She is such a strong character with a great heart. People are always trying to tear her down, and it makes you root for her even harder. She walks boldly into dangerous situations to save the people she loves without a second thought to her own safety. You never stop wanting the best for Sookie. Definitely a great read.
The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz
Odd’s life has been a series of tragedy, trauma, and ghosts. What I love about Odd is his sense of duty. He could run from the gifts he was given, but he chooses instead to follow where they take him. His sense of humor and love of life makes this series a must read.
The Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead.
Sydney’s inexperience in social situations is both endearing and hilarious. This is a perfect example of watching a character grow, while maintaining her core self. Her job requires her to keep a core group of vampires safe, yet she, as an Alchemist, thinks they are unholy creatures. Watching Sydney become her own person has been a real pleasure. She is smart, brave and devoted. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
This series is a page turner from beginning to end. I think I read all three books a weeks time. Katniss is strong, independent, and you can’t help but love her. The world building in this series is incredible. Collins pulls you in and drags you through the entire series. This is a must read.
The Harry Potter series by J.K. RowlingI will openly admit that I had zero interest in reading this series. One day my mother-in-law handed me all seven books and said, “You have to read these.” She wasn’t going to take no for an answer, and I am so glad that she didn’t. Rowling is nothing short of genius. Harry is the ultimate hero. Selfless, caring, and tragic. We get to watch him grow from a boy to an adult in a world that is both beautiful and terrifying. Rowling’s attention to detail never ceased to amaze me as she wove a net around Harry that he just couldn’t escape. This is one of the rare series where you wanted to see the bad guy get his comeuppance almost as much as you wanted to see the hero succeed. I was nothing less than blown away by this series and therefor it is at the top of my list of must reads.
I know I’m missing some fantastic reads out there, so tell me, what is your favorite series?
Thanks for an awesome guest post J.E. I have to admit I haven't read any of these! I don't really like Harry Potter but I have always wanted to read The Bloodlines Series. Sadly I watched The Hunger Games before reading it!

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