
Cover Crazy #79

Is there someone else who hosts a Cover Crazy on a Monday?
Mortality - Kellie Sheridan
How awesome is this cover?! I haven't ever saw a cover like this, I would definitely pick this up if I saw it in the shop! It stands out so much. Such a new and different idea for a cover. 
I love this cover because :
- I love that it's really different and unique! 
- It gives you quite a bit of information about the book and you can tell what the book is about.   
- It tells you what number this book is the series. 
Dislike :
-The only thing I think would be interesting to see is with a few different backgrounds. Not saying another one would be better but would be interesting to see it with different background. 


  1. I love this cover too. It gives you a bit of an idea of what the book is going to be about. I like this kind of covers! :)

  2. I completely agree - its a stunning cover!


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