
Cover Crazy #14

Other Cover Crazy posts - ##9 #10 #11 #12 #13
Hosted by thebookworms
I really like this cover for a number of reasons.
- I love the pattern's and how it wraps around her.
- I love how it uses two (minus White) simple colours.
- I love the font of the writing 
- It's unique! 
I dislike 
- The Author font
- Too much writing 'shoved' at the side

No Daily Dose today!
Winners WILL be announced later in the evening (UK time) as l am out all day and will take a few hours to work out entries and winners)


  1. I like this cover. I've never heard of it before.

  2. I've never seen this one before but I do agree these are some great things about this cover.

    I also don't like the author name is in white, maybe something that was more incorporated would have looked better and still stood out.

    Jules x

  3. I love this cover! It was my choice last week. I'm obsessed with the way the black lines she's painting are twining around her and the splotch she's just created! I love the way it's both dark and light in color. Can't wait to read this!

  4. Great pick, this is such a fun cover.

  5. I love the cover. I'm excited to read the book, too! I love Eileen Cook's work. :)

  6. Love the cover! Eileen Cook is a fantastic Canadian author, I cannot wait to read more of her work!


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