
Cover Crazy #12 and Daily Dose #6

Other Cover Crazy posts - #6 7(?) ##9 #10 #11
I like and dislike this at the same time. 
I don't really like how much writing there is. l find a small tag-line and a title on a book cover is enough, this one seems to have a very full cover! Also l am unsure about the position of the rose in the picture, just seems out of place.
What l do like is the effect of it, like the sprinkle effect on the women in the picture. l would pick this up as l think the cover shows it is my sort of book.

This week l thought l would show family pictures for my daily dose!

My doggy, Alfie!

My bearded dragon, Bilbo!

My little niece, Lacey!

My nephew, Joey! 

Me and my cousin, Millie


  1. Awwwh! Cute Daily Dose! I just semi-like the cover. Probably because its too grainy maybe. Great post!

  2. What a cute daily dose! Your right the flower seems slightly weird. I like that back part but the flower annoys me a little =p anyways awesome family pics

    as always ♥, Carol

  3. Awww gorgeous pictures. I'm also not too keen on the cover the flower seems enormous!

  4. Naj - Thank you! =) Me too, l semi like it. A unique cover though!

    Carol - Thank you =) Yea it kind of annoys me too. A hard cover to make a decision on.

    My Keeper Shelf - Thank you! It does seem big. Maybe a smaller one would look nice.


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