
Blog Tour - Playlist for a Broken Heart

Playlist for a Broken Heart
Thank you for such a fantastic guest post Cathy. I am so amazed at the inspiration behind Playlist for a Broken Heart. The CD sounds like a fantastic find!

What was the inspiration for Playlist for a Broken Heart?
The inspiration for the book came from a CD I found in a charity shop in North London. I was looking at the books and saw that there was an old shoe box full of CDs tucked away under the bottom shelf. I flicked through and one caught my eye. It was clearly a home-made compilation and whoever had made it had designed their own cover. On the back was a black and white photo of a man looking out of a window. He was in shadow so I couldn’t make out his face. When I got home, I played the CD and loved so many of the tracks on it. Most of them by musicians I had never heard of. The tracks seemed to tell the story of an unrequited love. I was intrigued. I wondered who had made it? Was it a gift for someone? And why had it ended up in a charity shop? What was the story behind it? Was the man in the photo on the back, the person who had made the CD? Those questions gave me the idea for the book.

In Playlist for a Broken Heart the main character, Paige, has to move to a new city. She feels lost and lonely to begin with and sad to have left her old school and friends behind. When she finds a CD called Songs For Sarah in a charity shop, she is intrigued as to who made it and who Sarah is. What happened? Also, the tracks speak to her and seem to echo her experience. She feels that she is meant to look for whoever made it. With the help of her cousin, she starts to search for the boy behind the CD but how will she know him and where should she start? I’ve set the book in Bath, partly because it’s such a wonderful city to use as a location but also because it has a great music scene.

PS: I’ve put three of the songs from the CD on my playlist of top ten songs which will be posted tomorrow by So Little Time For Books

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