
Blog Tour - Love, Lies and Lemon Pies

My recipe is from Baby Led Weaning.
My little boy is 8 months so I am constantly trying to make things which I can freeze and then get out when needed. This banana cake is perfect for that!
I did edit the recipe just to suit what I had in and also double the amounts :

Healthy Banana Cake

8 oz self raising wholemeal flour
Half tsp Cinnamon
4 oz butter
6 oz raisins
16 oz banana
2 eggs, beaten

Weigh out your ingredients

I slightly melted the butter and then rub the butter into the flour until it's all mixed together then add raisins.

In a different bowl whisk the egg and banana together. I shoved this in a blender to make it like a liquid. 

Mix together thoroughly then grease the cake tin.

Place in the oven on a middle shelf. 

Cook until golden 
(Or just until the middle is cooked which you can check by putting a knife in) 


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A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult