
Blog Tour - 8 Things I've Learned About Writing by Sarah Alderson

Thank you Sarah for such an amazing guest post.
I love it and really think all are very true. I definitely love the read one. I think it's so important to read different genres as a writer and a reader. You need to experience different types of books to know what you love.

8 things I’ve learned about writing

Read everything you can get your hands on. Don’t be a snob about what you read. Read across genre, across medium. Read leaflets, newspapers, comics, books, blogs and magazines.

Write. Writing is 99% sweat. To get good at anything requires endless practice. Same with writing. You have to practice writing every day. Keep a journal. Write a blog. Write letters. Just write as frequently as you can.

Commit. If you want to write a book you need to commit. You need to sit down every day and write those pages. Don’t listen to the voice in your head telling you that you can’t or what you are writing is rubbish. Write it anyway. Keep going. Keep going!

Ask ‘what if…’ Whenever I get stuck I ask myself ‘what if…’ and follow that thought until I get something which sparks a little buzz of excitement in me.

Watch TV / Great movies - some of the best writing is happening in TV land right now. Watch good shows - Mad Men, Breaking Bad, True Detective - and see how they build story arcs, tension and characters.

Read aloud. Read back what you have written out loud. This is the only way you can tell if you have the rhythm of your sentences right. Rhythm is so important. It also helps highlight where you’ve repeated yourself or where you are missing a word. It’s also good for getting dialogue to sound right.

Listen to your gut. Keep an ear out for the butterflies. Learn to tap into your instinct. If I get a tingle in my tummy I know I’m writing something good. If I don’t, I stop.

You don’t need to write what you know. I know nothing about mind powers or the military or about security companies or vampires. Wikipedia is your best friend! Google loves your questions. Writing what you know is usually pretty boring. You have an imagination. Use it!

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Blog Tour - Take a Gamble Excerpt

One summer. 
One chance meeting. 
One devastating phone call.

MacKenna Trist is not happy about spending a month with her family in Myrtle Beach. She would rather be at home, hanging out with her friends, before starting her senior year of high school. That is, until she meets the guy staying in the beach house next door.

Roe Gamble is speechless when he first lays eyes on Mac. Normally, pretty girls are his specialty but not this girl. From this girl, he wants more. More of everything. More than she can give him. Most importantly, more time to show her how he feels about her.

But time is working against them in more ways than one.

How much time do you really need to fall in love? 

What would you gamble to hold onto it?


I remember the first time I saw him. I remember how in awe I was of him. His presence was overwhelming. I was speechless, kind of like I am right now. The only thing I could really do was stare. His beauty was blinding. I knew at that moment that I wanted more from him than he would probably be willing to give. Guys like him only want one thing. Girls like me, we want everything.

He was that everything for me. I wanted him, body and soul. I wanted his heart, his love. What I never expected was for him to give it to me. Unconditionally. Freely.

I loved him. He loved me. At least he said that he did. Love can’t really conquer all, though. Can it?

His eyes are sparkling. His mouth is hanging open slightly and I can see his chest rising and falling. This man, he’s everything I ever wanted. Why did I let him go so easily? Why didn’t he fight harder? Why did I?

I feel a hand at the base of my back but I don’t turn my head. That would mean that I would have to break eye contact with him and I don’t think I can do that. I feel my heart breaking at just the thought of turning my head and looking away. I know I will have to eventually.

“Everything okay, babe?”

I hate it when he calls me that. He knows how degraded I feel when he calls me babe. He only does it when he’s trying to mark his territory. Why not just whip it out and take a piss on my foot?

I open my mouth to speak when I see a leggy blonde step in front of him. I can’t see her face but she is tapping her foot like she’s irritated. I have a feeling that one of the steaming cups in his hand must belong to her.

He hands them both to her and steps around her. He slowly takes another step and he’s only a few feet away from me. One more step and he’s standing in front of me now and I’m staring at his chest. I can’t bear to look up. I have a feeling that I am going to be able to see how much I broke his heart just by staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

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Cover Reveal - Love After Dark

Love After Dark
Simple yet attractive cover! Love it.

Love After Dark features nine bestselling authors who create worlds and love within them.

Not only will you find love between the pages but new content relating to their fabulous series!

This bundle will include:
Brina Courtney, Ella James, Melissa Andrea, A.O Peart, Alivia Anders, Heather Hildenbrand, Julia Crane, Melissa Pearl and Beth Shelby


Blog Tour - Searching for Sky Excerpt

Searching for Sky
By Jillian Cantor
Chapter 1

ON THE AFTERNOON OF MY sixteenth birthday, River spears a fish. “Happy birthday,” he says, and he’s grinning as he holds the fish out in front of me. It is large, the length of River’s wide, outstretched arms, and I’m both surprised and impressed by his catch. He is, too, I can tell, because he’s still grinning as he places the fish on Cleaning Rock and begins to scale it with a sharp stone.

It has been weeks since we have eaten fish, and this one will certainly be enough to last us for a few days. Truthfully, I am the better fish spearer of the two of us, but today River insisted he would catch me one. I was doubtful when he left this morning because lately, the fish have been coming less and less, even for me. But here River has gone and pulled it off, just as he said he would.

“What a catch,” I say to him now. “How’d you get her?”

He shrugs a little, smiles at me, then uses the jagged tool to cut a line down the fish’s belly. “I went past Rocks,” he says.

“River”—I shake my head—“you promised you wouldn’t.” Past Rocks, Ocean grows deeper, cooler, darker, and the water pulls you hard, so if you aren’t careful, you could easily be swept out, swept away into the deep, great nothingness that lies beyond us.

He shrugs again. “It’s your birthday,” he says. “And besides, I’m starving.”

I can’t stay mad at him, because I’m starving, too. When one of us doesn’t spear a fish or catch a bird or a rabbit in my traps, we eat purple flowers, blue berries, and green leaves that we keep stocked inside Shelter for emergencies. Every plant in our world is valuable in that it can be eaten, drunk, or used in Shelter in some way. Except for the mushrooms. Now, we know better.

For the past three days we’ve eaten mostly purple flowers and drunk warm coconut milk, and we were still hungry last night when we crawled into Shelter and curled up together to go to sleep, thewaywe have nowfor so long, both of us lying on our rabbit pelt mats on our sides, our backs touching. I almost can’t remember sleeping any other way, without the warm feel of River’s back hugging mine. I almost can’t remember what it was like when my mother and Helmut were still here.

The air is cooler this afternoon but heavy, and the moisture beads against the skin of my bare shoulders. It will rain soon. I can smell it, the dewy scent of salt water rising, even by Cleaning Rock. I hope it won’t rain before the darkness falls, before it is time to eat the fish.

“Well,” River says as he slices the head off the fish with one swift motion of the jagged stone. He grins again, so pleased with this fish, with himself for bringing it back to me. My birthday gift. “Do you feel any different today, Sky? Older?”

I shake my head. And for a moment, I consider telling him how, this morning, as I came out of Falls, I noticed how much my body, without my rabbit pelt, looked the way my mother’s had looked once. I am sixteen now, not at all a child anymore, I’d thought. Then I remembered all the things my mother had said I’d feel someday for River, and I began to wonder if that someday was today. But I didn’t say anything to him when I’d made it back to Shelter, and he announced he planned on bringing back a fish for my birthday, and I don’t say anything to him now. I’m not sure why not, because River and I tell each other everything, and we have for as far back as I can remember.

Continue reading the rest here 

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Blog Tour - Andreas- Dubai by Bella Ross

Andreas - Dubai (Club Pluto Series)
Releasing May, 2014

One determined Journalist….

Freelance journalist, Genevieve Parker, has just been handed the biggest story of her career. But there’s one problem…Going undercover as a submissive in one of the most exclusive BDSM clubs in the world was more than she bargained for. But that’s nothing compared to the man she meets there. Andreas Contos. Her assignment. Gorgeous. Powerful. Mysterious. Genevieve is fascinated…intrigued. But does her intense attraction and willingness to go places with him she’s never gone before sexually really have to do with writing her exposé? Feeling confused and overwhelmed, every instinct tells her to run before her professional facade comes crashing down…before she has to choose between obligation and desire….

One elusive billionaire…

Greek billionaire, Andreas Contos, is more than he seems. Between the powerful company he keeps and the secrets that lurk behind closed doors, trusting anyone is out of the question – especially the lush and sensual woman he just met. But there is something different about Genevieve – a guarded nature he’s anxious to penetrate. Unable to resist her, Andreas proceeds in taking her under his wing for the night to show her his world – a world of exquisite pleasure. As the two of them get deeper in exploring the eroticism of mind and body, danger watches them from the shadows…

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Blog Tour - Dead Girls Walking Excerpt

Dead Girls Walking (Dead Girls Detective Agency #2)
By Suzy Cox 

Chapter 9
Lorna clicked her fingers, and the lights went down with a dull boom that echoed around the room. Pop! My friends disappeared.

Standing alone on the stage, I suddenly felt exposed. A hundred eerie eyes could be looking at me right now and I’d have no clue – from the boxes, the director ’s spot, the orchestra pit, or even hiding in the shadows of the upper tiers. Palmer Peabody’s theatre had all these nooks and hideouts too, just on a way less diva scale. Mercy’s murderer could have been watching in any of them: waiting until it was the right time to strike. You could see it as stupid that they’d chosen to kill a girl in front of an audience. Or AP-level smart – after all, everyone would be looking at her and no one at you. I shivered. Time to – as my dad used to joke – make like a tree and leave.

I bounced off the stage, making my way to the back of the theatre. As I walked, the shadows changed shape, morphing and sliding every few steps so I couldn’t remember if they’d been there a second before or jumped out on me like a cat. In the dark, I couldn’t shake the feel- ing that someone, something, was watching my every step. Which was totally stupid. I was invisible. And I was a ghost for God’s sake. I was the evil in movies so scary they made you throw your popcorn in the air. I was the thought that kept you awake at night when you heard a step on the stairs or a creak in the loft. I shouldn’t be scared. It was the Living who were terrified of me.

As I neared the enormous carved oak doors, a gut instinct shot through me and I began to run. Hard. I didn’t waste any energy avoiding the ticket stand or the stools in the bar where interval drinks were served. I ploughed through them all, demolition-style – like hur- dles at a track event I didn’t need to jump. I sprinted through the gloom of the hall, the lobby and out, only stopping when I landed on the sidewalk outside. Instead of being out of breath, my body buzzed from all the objects I’d jumped through. It was like the ghost equiva- lent of getting a stitch.

The lights on Broadway had been dimmed, the snow freezing to ice on the ground. Instinctively, I pulled my school blazer tighter around my shoulders and began to walk.

At 5 a.m. midtown was as close to a ghost town as it ever got. Above me, the skyscrapers of Times Square were the only ones who hadn’t got the memo that they could calm down their act – the only people out were those who couldn’t face being at home.

I’d never spent much time in this part of Manhattan when I was alive – hello, tourist trap hell – but since the Tess Incident, I’d found myself porting back more and more. Late at night when the Living were asleep and only people with demons had their eyes open. The regularity of the gaudy fluorescent flashing lights was almost comforting. I had no memories here – unless you counted going to M&M’s World for Ali’s fifth birthday and eating so many bags of the peanut butter kind, that I was sick on the sidewalk outside – so the ouches were less acute. Two months ago, I’d have said hell was hus- tly, bustly Times Square. But – as I knew way too well – times change.

A truck pulled up beside me; a few street cleaners got out and began brushing snow from the steps of shops and fast food joints. Steam rose up from the subway grates, as if stretching awake. I headed down 42nd Street, deliberately kicking through sludge or jumping through ice – tickle. I walked on past the green lampposts of Bryant Park which looked like they’d been Tardised here from one of the prints of Paris Mom hung in our hall, then right down 5th to the New York Library. Someone had made a snowman’s head and put it over the face of the giant stone lion on the library steps. A carrot nose was in danger of falling off so I used my kinetic energy to Jab it back on. The sun was beginning to tease the city now. To mix things up, I half-walked, half-ported the remainder of the way, imagining myself by a particular shop window or green newspaper box, then porting there. I discovered the sickness didn’t lessen any even on super-short trips. Instead it was more like a shock of panic, like the moment you’re trying on a dress in Urban Outfitters and, as you go to take it off, you realize you’re stuck, arms above your head, and wonder if you’ll be in that changing room forever. Or worse, have to go out in your panties and ask the too-cool assistant girl for help.

Eventually the neighbourhoods became more leafy and the buildings shorter, until I finally found myself under the arch of Washington Square. Home.

I remembered standing here, on the first night of my death being so scared and confused and not knowing what my future could ever hold now my life had been taken away. Nancy and Lorna were so kind – I’d hardly had time to really think about what it all meant, until I had my Key. And then I didn’t.

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*Review* White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert

Released : 22nd November 2012
Publisher: Gallery Books
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
A word-of-mouth bestseller that's captivating readers with its honesty, grit, and headstrong heroine, White Trash Beautiful is a story for anyone who has ever felt trapped in life, cheated by love and longed for something more . . .

Cass Daniels isn't waiting for her knight in shining armor. She knows that girls like her don't get a happily ever after. Not if you live in a trailer with your mom, work at a greasy spoon diner, and get leered at by old men. Maybe that's why she puts up with Jackson, her poor excuse for a boyfriend, who treats her like dirt. Cass has learned to accept her lot in life. That is, until he walks into her diner. . . .

His name is Tucker White, and he's different from any man Cass has ever known. Tall, tattooed, and bad-ass gorgeous, he's the lead singer of the rock band Damaged. From the moment they meet, Tucker sees something in Cass he just can't shake. Something beautiful. Something haunted. Something special. And he's determined to find out what it is : if only he can get her to open up and let him in. . .

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Normal girl just trying to be happy. 
- Heart wrenching, beautiful read. 
-  Open your eyes to a new world. 

In Long
White Trash Beautiful is such an intriguing title. How can something be trash and beautiful? Just from the title I knew I wanted to read this book.

Cass is a normal woman living in a very difficult environment which challenges her character and personality. I really loved getting to know Cass and about her life. Although not a very happy life it was really interesting and opened my eyes to a whole new world. It’s sad but true to think there are real people living just like Cass in this world.

Tucker is a beautiful person with a caring nature to his character. I loved that his character was explained with his past and made his actions more understandable and believable.

This book has a nice balance between realistic and unrealistic. Yes there are parts which seem a bit farfetched, would someone you hardly know care that much? But then Cass is very down to earth with her expectations and disbelieves some of the situations herself.

Final Thoughts
A moving, heart wrenching book which will catapult your feelings from heartbroken to joy within a few pages.

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Guest Post - Interview with Lisa Cardiff

Before You
Before You

Aubrey Keaton has never had a supportive family. Luckily, she has Camden…
Her childhood friend. Her savior. Her boyfriend.
Even after Camden leaves their hometown to chase his dream to be a musician, Aubrey can’t imagine her life without Camden and his family.
Before starting a job search for her own dream job, Aubrey decides to visit Camden in California for a month. But when she arrives, something unexpected happens…she meets Jax Carmichael, the lead singer in Camden’s band.
Jax Carmichael doesn’t have time for a relationship…much less love.
Even if Aubrey is irresistible, she’s a complication he doesn’t want or need. He has spent the last few years building Chasing Ruin, and the band is on the verge of being signed. Pursuing Aubrey could destroy his band, and he’s worked too hard to be successful without his family’s money, or connections, to let that happen.
Aubrey feels an attraction to Jax like something she’s never experienced before.
Confused, she tries to resist, but when her relationship with Cam begins to unravel, she realizes that Jax might just be the one thing she needs.

What makes Jax so attractive and irresistible?
Jax is talented, supportive and he never gave up on Bre. There’s nothing better than a man who shows up when you need him.

Before You features two characters in the cover, was this how you imagined them both in your mind?
Not entirely. I always saw them as the pictures I downloaded from the internet as my inspiration, but when I saw the cover it clicked and Jax and Bre came to life. I really like the cover.

What was the hardest part of the book to write and your favourite?
For me, the sex scenes were the hardest part to write. In fact, the publisher made me rewrite them entirely after I signed the contract. When words flow easily, that’s the best part of writing for me. The last chapter of Before You came together easily like I had it all planned perfectly from the beginning so it was my favorite part to write.

How did you choose the title 'Before You'
It actually comes from the last couple sentences of the book. When I wrote that final conversation, I knew I found the title for Jax and Bre’s story.

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Blog Tour - Playlist for a Broken Heart

Playlist for a Broken Heart
Thank you for such a fantastic guest post Cathy. I am so amazed at the inspiration behind Playlist for a Broken Heart. The CD sounds like a fantastic find!

What was the inspiration for Playlist for a Broken Heart?
The inspiration for the book came from a CD I found in a charity shop in North London. I was looking at the books and saw that there was an old shoe box full of CDs tucked away under the bottom shelf. I flicked through and one caught my eye. It was clearly a home-made compilation and whoever had made it had designed their own cover. On the back was a black and white photo of a man looking out of a window. He was in shadow so I couldn’t make out his face. When I got home, I played the CD and loved so many of the tracks on it. Most of them by musicians I had never heard of. The tracks seemed to tell the story of an unrequited love. I was intrigued. I wondered who had made it? Was it a gift for someone? And why had it ended up in a charity shop? What was the story behind it? Was the man in the photo on the back, the person who had made the CD? Those questions gave me the idea for the book.

In Playlist for a Broken Heart the main character, Paige, has to move to a new city. She feels lost and lonely to begin with and sad to have left her old school and friends behind. When she finds a CD called Songs For Sarah in a charity shop, she is intrigued as to who made it and who Sarah is. What happened? Also, the tracks speak to her and seem to echo her experience. She feels that she is meant to look for whoever made it. With the help of her cousin, she starts to search for the boy behind the CD but how will she know him and where should she start? I’ve set the book in Bath, partly because it’s such a wonderful city to use as a location but also because it has a great music scene.

PS: I’ve put three of the songs from the CD on my playlist of top ten songs which will be posted tomorrow by So Little Time For Books

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Blog Tour - Love, Lies and Lemon Pies

My recipe is from Baby Led Weaning.
My little boy is 8 months so I am constantly trying to make things which I can freeze and then get out when needed. This banana cake is perfect for that!
I did edit the recipe just to suit what I had in and also double the amounts :

Healthy Banana Cake

8 oz self raising wholemeal flour
Half tsp Cinnamon
4 oz butter
6 oz raisins
16 oz banana
2 eggs, beaten

Weigh out your ingredients

I slightly melted the butter and then rub the butter into the flour until it's all mixed together then add raisins.

In a different bowl whisk the egg and banana together. I shoved this in a blender to make it like a liquid. 

Mix together thoroughly then grease the cake tin.

Place in the oven on a middle shelf. 

Cook until golden 
(Or just until the middle is cooked which you can check by putting a knife in) 


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Cover Reveal - Pretty Instinct by S.E. Hal

Pretty Instincts Cover


“If opposites attract, then I am nothing. Because you, you are everything.”
There’s no easy road traveled to such an intense sentiment, one I never dreamt I’d feel…. 
But I also never planned on Cannon Blackwell climbing aboard my tour bus.

He rubs his chin between thumb and forefinger and considers me, but in a classy, eyes above the neck kind of way. This time the right brow lifts in contemplation as he slides his tongue back and forth across that enchanting bottom lip. This guy- women worldwide would pay top dollar but for the chance to watch him do anything, Algebra even; trust me. And I’ve learned another telling habit of his, I’m cataloguing strictly in case he does end up on the bus. Left eyebrow up is playful and joking, right brow means serious and analyzing.

“Why don’t you let me try this, since you suck at it? Cannon Blackwell, not a hitchhiker.” He offers his right hand. “And you are?”

S.E. Hall Author Pic

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Book Tour - Personal Possessions Extract

Trevor McHale has tried to move on from the night that everything he cared about was ripped away from him. Having been in love with Elleny Barker since second grade, TJ comes home from college to find her married to another man…his best friend, Bear Jackson. Moving on has been nothing but a struggle for TJ. Through years and distance from his home town of Richland Georgia, Trevor ends up finding wealth, friendship and lust. But nightmares and visions plague him of a love that he knows deep down is meant to be. Finally giving in, Trevor realizes that the only way to make his life whole again is to recover what was once his and begin life anew. That turns out to be easier said than done.
Elleny Barker-Jackson is not the same girl she was seventeen years ago. Having endured years of abuse from her husband’s hand, Elle has hardened her heart to everyone and everything. Believing that true love means nothing other than a young girl’s fantasy, Elle lives in her memories that she made with the one who will always hold her heart; Trevor McHale. Secrets and lies have been what Elle has built her life on and she is convinced that this life is her punishment for the decision that she made seventeen years ago…
That was until Trevor McHale returned to town. Purchasing the local factory, Elle finds herself working right alongside of Trevor for eight days straight. Not only does Trevor have to convince Elle that their love is alive and strong, he has to repair the damage that has been done to her; inside and out.
Want to know what was going through TJ's mind on everything Elle?
Questions will be answered...Truths will be known and love will be found. TJ is on a mission to get back his Personal Possessions.
(Contains: Adult language, sexual MF participation, some violence and explicit scenes of arousal)

Excerpt from Personal Possessions

Chapter 1

I heard his words but they weren’t sinking in, I wouldn’t allow them to. “Don’t talk to my wife!” Bear yelled as he began stomping towards me.

“This is a fucking joke, right?” My head went back and forth between Elle and Bear. “What the fuck did I miss, because I’ve only been gone… what, two weeks?” Everything was falling apart right in front of my eyes. Not only that, but my whole world just crashed around me not even two hours ago.

“Go home, Trevor.” She said quietly. My head was pulsating. I could hear my heartbeat louder than I could hear her talking. I had to squint to hear her tell me to leave.

“Fuck that! You married him?” I kept thinking this was a huge goddamn practical joke. That at any moment Rach, Lilly and Curt would pop up from behind the bushes and scream “Ha, Ha!!” I looked back at Max and Mona; they were just standing there, not saying a word, they had said enough in the house when they showed me what had been sent to them.

I looked at the two of them; “you knew about this, didn’t’cha.” I laughed an evil laugh. I was going to spontaneously combust I was so pissed. “You let me sit inside your home, and you knew she was coming home a married lady? I told you over and over again that those pictures aren’t what they look like and you couldn’t at least give me a head’s up?” Their eyes never left their feet. I looked back over at her; she could see the pain in my eyes; a sorrow that I would experience only one other time in my life.

Screaming, Bear demanded. “You heard her TJ, go home!!”

I noticed she had to pass me if she wanted to get to the house, so she started moving slowly towards me as Bear began to approach me from behind her. I wasn’t fighting him, he’d already won, he took the prize and there was nothing left for me to fight for. I could see the tearstained lines running down her face, she wouldn’t look at me long, but it was long enough for me to see that she didn’t want any of this.

She went to pass me and I ran my hand up her arm as I said her name.

“Don’t you fucking touch her, cocksucker!”

I went to turn towards Bear’s voice but it was too late, he was already on top of me knocking me to the ground. I remember the pain from the first couple of punches but after that I went numb. I could taste the blood that filled my mouth instantaneously but I didn’t even raise my hands, this was all him.

I could hear her screaming for them to let her go as Max and Mona attempted to drag her off, Bear never let up. “That fucking ride was mine, you piece of shit! Do you think a brother takes what belongs to another brother? You ain’t no brother of mine! He kept hitting as he was talking. I made sure I heard every word he had to say to me. “Four fucking years at UGA, that scholarship had my name on it, I worked for that. All you did was ride my coat tails. I was supposed to get out of this fucking town and be something. You might’ve been big in high school but you ain’t shit now... are ya? Gettin’ your ass whooped like the pussy you are! I heard my nose crack from where Skeeter Davis had broken it the first time in seventh grade. I just closed my eyes and listened above the noise of cracking bones. “You think ‘cause you got money, you’re owed something, well I’m about to prove to you and to her that ya’ll ain’t shit!” I was just about to close my eyes and pass out when I saw a blur of pink rush into Bear and knock him off of me. Someone screamed her name, who… I had no idea, I needed to sleep.

Click here to read the rest

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Giveaway + Excerpt - Night Watchmen #0.5 + #1

The Gramm Curse (Night Watchmen, #0.5)Everlasting (Night Watchmen, #1)

From Chapter 10
“Come here,” he says, his tone low, husky. My heart flaps harder, wilder. He’s looking straight into the mirror. I want to be that mirror looking back at him, drowning in his eyes and words of want. His back is a mountain of lean, cut muscles. His fists are pressed against the counter, held tight and firm. Thick veins stick out from under his skin, just waiting for my fingers to trail over.

I find myself just a step away from him, my heart hammering against my chest. I don’t know why. He’s helping me, nothing more, so why do I feel so lightheaded and flushed inside? Why does my skin crave for his touch, a touch that’s sure to come, even if full of innocence?

He moves just enough to fit me in between him and the counter. I swallow down my nerves and stand in front of him, resting a hand against the marbled countertop to help stabilize me. I try not to notice the tension in his body, the way his eyes close when my leg brushes against his, the way he licks his lips when our faces come just a breath’s length away from each other.

His eyes open, and he holds me with his gaze. He allows me to see past his titanium wall. In front of him, gazing into his endless, green eyes, I know I could fall at any moment, physically and emotionally, and this scares the hell out of me. I barely know him, yet, I feel like I’ve known him forever.

He reaches behind me and turns the hot water on. He’s so close, so unbelievably close, my fingers almost slip out from under me. There’s no steadying my heart, no taming my breathing as he waits for the water to heat before wetting the towel. He lifts his other hand, and it hovers next to my waist like he’s waiting for something; a sign, an approval. I close my eyes, breathe in, and then his hand drifts down my waist where it comes to rest on top of my hip.

My breathing stops, along with my heart. My muscles clench with want. I curse the material between my skin and his hand. I want to give in to whatever delirium has taken over my rational thinking.

He gently pushes me back against the counter. The back of my legs bump against it, stopping me as he closes the distance between us. The way his body ever so slightly presses against mine ignites a flame inside of me, burning and aching for more of his touch. His hand lifts, slightly shaking, and then brushes the hair from my face until it comes to rest at the base of my neck. He’s a pyromancer, controlling and building the fire within me. The firmness of his grip sends heat to places I’ve never felt heat before.

His eyes lock on mine. His other hand lifts, bringing the towel just to the edge of my lip where the cut is. I wince when he presses it against my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut. Shut the pain off, I tell myself. I had during the fight without even trying. I open my eyes again and focus on the color of his, the deep evergreen color that displays wisdom. He’s looking down at my mouth, still wiping away blood. His eyes brush mine again, and then move to the cut on the side of my eyebrow.

My heart feels like it could drift away at any moment with all the fluttering. There’s such a gentleness about him, a kindness that has yet to be shown, and yet, here he is, showing it to me, to someone who had brought this upon herself.

Ends 19th May

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