
My Holiday!

Hi everyone!! =)
Hope you are all well, what have you all been up to while I have been away?
Have I missed any book announcements, cover releases etc? Please let me know!!

For any of you who don't know, I went to Gran Canaria on 21st and got back yesterday.
I was silly and only did posts up to yesterday and I am working 8-6 for the next three days so please be patient, some posts may go up late.

Here's a little brief description on my holiday + pictures
I went on holiday with my boyfriend and although we spent a lot of the time at the resort we went out for a few days.
First off we went Palmitos Park where we saw dolphins, parrots, lizards, crocodiles and a few other animals. I had tears in my eyes while watching the dolphin show!
Then we went to Aqualand! This is a water park with some pretty big slides and some very different ones. I haven't ever been to a water park before and I am a big wimp with heights and slides but I actually loved it! So glad I made myself do it as I really enjoyed it.
We spent most of our time at our Resort, for anyone interested it was called 'ifa continental' and it was amazing! Loved it!
Here's a few pics

Other News! -
I just got a hamster. It's a little girl and she is brown and white.
She is so friendly and keeps coming over to the side of the cage. We are leaving her for two days to get used to us though.
Will put a better picture up in a few days

Oh and I also got some awesome books to show you in my next IMM!


  1. Awww what is her name? I love her, best touch her as much as you can whilst she is still wee so she gets used to you and not scared or nippy.

    Other pics are nice too but I am in love with your new furbaby

    Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net

  2. I'm so glad you're back! It looks like you had a fun time. Your hamster is so cute! What are you naming her?

  3. Aww, cute hamster, what's her name? I have two :)

    Your holiday looks great but I can't believe you'd never been to a water park before! :O

  4. Kate/Small Review/Lainy - Her name is Buttons! Have always called my hamsters after chocolate bars and I asked my nephew what his favourite chocolate was and he said Chocolate Buttons =)

    Lainy - You are mean't to leave them for a day which we have done, just been talking to her. Today I put my hand on the side of the cage so she could come out onto it but at the moment she is just happy sniffing =) She is very settled already xD

    Kate - This was only my second time aboard!

  5. Welcome back and glad you had a good holiday!
    Buttons is very cute. We had a hamster she was lovely.


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