
*Review* Between The Lives By Jessica Shrvington

Between the Lives
Released : 7th August 2014
Publisher: Hachette
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
The perfect life or the perfect love. You choose.

For as long as she can remember, Sabine has lived two lives. Every 24 hours she shifts to her 'other' life - a life where she is exactly the same, but absolutely everything else is different: different family, different friends, different social expectations. In one life she has a sister, in the other she does not. In one life she's a straight-A student with the perfect boyfriend, in the other she's considered a reckless delinquent. Nothing about her situation has ever changed, until the day when she discovers a glitch: the arm she breaks in one life is perfectly fine in the other.

With this new knowledge, Sabine begins a series of increasingly risky experiments that bring her dangerously close to the life she's always wanted. But if she can only have one life, which is the one she'll choose?

A compelling psychological thriller about a girl who lives two parallel lives - this is Sliding Doors for the YA audience.

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- I really liked Sabine.
- Sabine is a very strong character who deals with things well.
- The plot is refreshing and unpredictable. 

In Long
For me one of the main things when reading a book is whether or not I like the main character. This can make or break a book in my opinion. In ‘Between the Lives; I straight away liked Sabine. She is a sensible character who has a complicated life, which she deals with well.

The storyline is just fantastic; I just felt so much for Sabine and completely understood her feelings. They were exactly how I could imagine feeling in her situation yet she dealt with them better than how I think I would! I think that’s why I like her so much; she’s a very strong person.

Furthermore the plot was really unpredictable and I feel the author took the story in a direction which a lot of authors wouldn’t have. This really added a refreshing feeling to the book and completely intrigued me as to what was going to happen next.

Final Thoughts
I will definitely be reading more books by Jessica and I hope I enjoy them as much as I did Between The Lives! It’s such a heart-warming book which really made me see things in a different way, something I totally didn’t expect

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  1. The beautiful writing style of Jessica Shirvington and the characterization of her characters Between the Lives unravels you in such a compelling way that you will be hanging for more. You will want everyone to read it. It is just simply beautiful and breathtaking.

    click here


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