
Author Guest Post - Rosa Sophia

When Nina Archer dreamt of Wes Ladner, they were both in Florida, both runners, both writers, and both passionately attracted to each other. 

After a year and a half, Nina is growing accustomed to a new life in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, and though she feels as if something is missing, she doesn’t think she will ever return to the place of her birth. Despite this, she soon discovers she not only misses Florida, but she is not so sure running away was the best idea.

Wes is the man who helped Nina learn to be intimate, but a disagreement between them seems to have finalized the idea they will never be together.

While Wes’s career is on the rise, and his novel is about to become a bestseller, Nina explores her inner self while attempting to let go of her fears and accept the fact that she is worth it and deserves love.

Will Nina and Wes find each other again, or will they ignore the dreams they’ve had?

When I Dream of You brought them together. When I Think of You continues their story as they try to decide if their dreams come from something substantial, or if they are nothing more than fantasy.

An Ocean of Words: Inspiration by the beach
By Rosa Sophia

What helps you write? I write better when I’m in a warmer climate, near the ocean. I can write anywhere, but if I want to be somewhere that’s conducive to my creativity, the place I choose is South Florida.

As a writer, my number one inspiration is the ocean. I can sit and listen to the waves all day, and in those waves I hear words and phrases. I hear entire stories. When I Dream of You, and the second book in the series, When I Think of You, both take place near the beach. The romance is not as central to the story as Nina’s journey toward healing and self-actualization. Her journey is my journey.

She begins in Juno Beach, Florida. We see Jupiter, and North Palm Beach as well. In When I Think of You, Nina is living in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. I love all places where there is a beach. I have been to Maine twice, and spent time on the coast. I have also been to California. I like to see how beaches differ in various places, and for some reason this small detail piques my interest to the point that I am inspired to write. 

My favorite beaches are in Florida. There is an ocean of words out there. I love words, and I always see them in the ocean. Location, for me, is key. The best place to write is near water, where I can let the words flow. And let go.

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Cover Reveal - Ethan Walkers Road to Wonderland

(Road to Wonderland Series #3) by L.J. Stock Genre: New Adult

At nineteen, the world has so many possibilities. 

Ethan Walker was a typical teenager in that respect. He was happy, living at home with his family and partying when the mood struck. He was in no rush to grow up. His life was a blank page just waiting to be written, but that couldn’t last forever. 

Unfortunately, reality came knocking at Ethan’s door, forcing him to face truths he’d never allowed himself to see in the past - truths that soon robbed him of his innocence and youth. With the life he’d always known gone forever, Ethan found himself battling demons in disguise, only to find his own weakness was his worst enemy. 

When temptation turned to indulgence, and the ghosts of his past encouraged him to dig deeper, Ethan sought salvation in the form of violence. His fists and fortitude became his bread and butter, but the new turn in his life rejected the familiar and opened the door to more evil.

Inevitably, the darkness tried to sink him, and there was only one constant light that somehow seemed to shine brighter than the promise of escape: the mystery girl with the golden hair. 

In order to survive, Ethan had to dig deep and find a strength in himself not even he was sure existed. Only when he found himself on a path to Wonderland did he start to see a future beyond his past. All he had to do to get there was learn to breathe and not get himself killed in the process. **Book 3 in the Road to Wonderland Series, Ethan Walker can be read in conjunction with Izzy Moffit's Road to Wonderland by Victoria L. James and Paris Hemsworth's Road to Wonderland by Francesca Marlow or standalone.
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*Review* Beneath This Ink by Meghan March

Beneath This Ink (Beneath, #2)Beneath This Ink by Meghan March
Series : Yes (#2 Beneath)
Released : 12th February 2015
Publisher: Self Published
Format : Kindle
Source : Book Tour
Buy : Amazon UK/USA
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never stopped me from wanting her.

And then I finally had her for one night.
A night I don’t remember.
I figured I’d blown my shot.
But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I have the upper hand. I want my second chance.
Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- I really liked Con and Vanessa
- The storyline is unique and addictive
- The world vanished away while I read this

In Long
I have to admit that I was really shocked by how quickly I was taken by Beneath This Ink and found myself completely ‘sucked in’ by the characters. Their personalities came alive within pages and I really liked both Con and Vanessa. After falling totally in love with Con I found it harder to put the book down. Throw the fact that Con is a dream in with the storyline and I found myself completely hooked!

The storyline is a brilliant one and although its not necessarily unique in another way it was completely unique to anything I have read. That sentence alone sounds crazy but the only way I can describe it is Meghan has a way with words that makes you completely enthralled with the characters and completely engrossed by the storyline!

I never for one second got bored reading this and you can’t switch off for a second because the storyline will throw another twist at you. The world just vanished away while I read this and every time I had to put it down I just waited until I could pick it up again.

Final Thoughts

Beneath This Ink went above and beyond my expectations and I can’t recommend this enough.

Find Meghan

Cover Reveal By S . Briones Lim

Don’t let her small size fool you; at five feet, two inches tall, Kacy Greene is a little spitfire who will be the first to put you in your place.
After making the mistake of dating, sleeping with and slapping her supervisor, she finds refuge spending her days surfing, where she meets food truck owner and soon-to-be new boss, Miles Parker. A southern boy, Miles moves to Mistcoast, CA with one thing in mind—to make his new business boom.
What he doesn't count on is meeting a wrecking ball named Kacy who sends his life into a whirl. Blinded by his immediate attraction for her, he hires her on the spot and is soon disappointed to find that their relationship isn't going to go where he hoped it would.
Being nothing more than a shoulder to cry on, he hatches a plan to win her heart. Unfortunately, like the ocean waves, love can be very unpredictable.

You’ve read Riley’s and Blake’s love story, now learn about Kacy and Miles…




Absolute Love by Erin Everleigh

by Erin Everleigh

Phoebe thought she had her Happily Ever After. She had a beautiful little girl and was married to the man of her dreams. But the unexpected death of her mother causes Phoebe’s world to come crashing down. Confronted with the realization that the missing pieces of her past are lost to her forever, she watches herself morph into a person she no longer recognizes. A person she quickly grows to hate. Barely making it through each day, Phoebe struggles to repress her darkest thoughts. But at night, she is held captive in nightmares from which she cannot escape. With her marriage dangling by a thread, Phoebe fears a future with Justin may no longer be possible. Refusing to give up, Justin fights for the life they used to share. But when he stumbles upon what could be the missing piece to Phoebe's past, he is faced with a choice that could cost him everything. When you feel like all hope is lost, is there a love that can transcend all and revive a broken soul?

My mind has become consumed with anger, bitterness and resentment. With my mother gone, pieces of my past have been lost forever. I had desperately tried to respect my mother’s wishes and not ask about my father. But deep inside, not knowing the truth left me feeling empty and incomplete – as if a part of me were locked away, just beyond my grasp. I'd always assumed that my mother would eventually tell me the truth – when she was ready. But now that she is gone, I don’t know how to cope with the fact that I will never truly understand who I am. 
Justin doesn’t understand. I don’t think he ever really understood why it was so important for me to get answers. I should have known better than to try to talk to him about what I was feeling. I wish I could rid myself of these terrible thoughts and haunting dreams. But I can’t and I'm spiraling out of control. I feel myself slipping away from reality and from those around me. I'm keeping everyone at a distance. I'm terrified to let anyone see the person I’ve become. But in doing so, I'm alienating every person who was ever close to me and feel more alone than ever.
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The Commitment Test by Amanda Aksel

     The Commitment Test
(The Marin Test Series: Book Two) 
Release Date: February 4th, 2015
Publisher: Elephantine Publishing
Genre: Women’s Fiction

Buy : Amazon

When a Valentine’s Day proposal doesn’t come with an engagement ring, Marin Johns begins to wonder if she and James will ever get married. As her closest friends begin to move forward with their lives, she refuses to be left behind. Hope is restored as she devises a plan to get James down on one knee by becoming the ideal mate. Everything seems to fall into place until her college boyfriend resurfaces after a decade with his own ideas about their future. Will Marin be forced to choose between the man of her dreams and the diamond ring she’s always dreamed of?

Amanda Aksel Bio
Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couples therapist was her “backup” career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love’s most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. Now she plans to solve love’s most complicated quandaries one novel at a time. 

Email: amandaaksel@gmail.com 
Twitter: @amandaaksel

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