
Forgiving Gia By Gina Whitney

Abel Gunner is a rock-star with legendary skills both in and out of the bedroom. He swore he wouldn't fall for another woman after being schemed and manipulated by an ex-lover. He kept that vow until he met Gia Mastro. The Dom inside of him awoke the moment he set eyes upon the submissive beauty. His dark soul hungered for her submission and affection. The deep connection they share leaves him desperate for something he never expected – her love. Her pain brings him the pleasure he craves. Her smile calms the beast that rages within him. Gia loves Abel more than life itself, but Abel is disillusioned by love and wrecks Gia in the process. Her life hangs in the balance. His life depends on forgiving her. This couple must face many truths. Is love enough to overcome the damage that dwells within? Gia’s experiences with love have been nil until meeting the infamous bad-boy rocker, Abel Gunner. Swept up in a mind-bending, Dom/submissive love affair, she’s forced to make decisions that both help and hurt their relationship. They both have to face their demons before they can embrace a future together. In the end, they’re faced with two choices: Fight for their love, or die with their demons.

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Author Interview with C. Desir

Displaying Bleed like Me.jpg
Bleed Like Me
By C. Desir

From the author of Fault Line comes an edgy and heartbreaking novel about two self-destructive teens in a Sid and Nancy–like romance full of passion, chaos, and dyed hair. 
Seventeen-year-old Amelia Gannon (just “Gannon” to her friends) is invisible to almost everyone in her life. To her parents, to her teachers—even her best friend, who is more interested in bumming cigarettes than bonding. Some days the only way Gannon knows she is real is by carving bloody lines into the flesh of her stomach. 
Then she meets Michael Brooks, and for the first time, she feels like she is being seen to the core of her being. Obnoxious, controlling, damaged, and addictive, he inserts himself into her life until all her scars are exposed. Each moment together is a passionate, painful relief. 
But as the relationship deepens, Gannon starts to feel as if she’s standing at the foot of a dam about to burst. She’s given up everything and everyone in her life for him, but somehow nothing is enough for Brooks—until he poses the ultimate test. 
Bleed Like Me is a piercing, intimate portrayal of the danger of a love so obsessive it becomes its own biggest threat.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

I find the business of publishing to be very challenging and when all that noise gets in my head, I think it is hard to write. I miss writing in a vacuum of pure writing and nothing else. Every morning I try to recreate that vacuum by writing for a few hours with no noise or internet or anything else, but I still can’t stop thinking about the business side of things. (For example: will this book be too controversial? Will schools not want to shelve it? Will people hate it because it’s not a happy ending and therefore sales will suffer?)

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

This is a tricky area, because I don’t really write “message” books and if a reader is going in looking for one, they’ll end up disappointed. But, I do like to leave readers with questions about the story I’ve told and in the case of BLEED, I hope that they think about what it means to love and what we do to fill the holes inside of us.

Are there any new authors that have grasp your interest? 

Yes, I love Carrie Mesrobian’s writing (SEX & VIOLENCE, PERFECTLY GOOD WHITE BOY). It is fierce and fearless. I also adore Sarah McCarry and think everyone should read her books, they are lyrical and super smart and dig deep (ALL OUR PRETTY SONGS, DIRTY WINGS). Both Steph Kuehn and Brandy Colbert wrote astounding debut novels (CHARM & STRANGE, POINTE). And Stephanie Oakes’ forthcoming THE SACRED LIES OF MINNOW BLY is unforgettable. 

What books have influenced your life most?

Sylvia Plath’s THE BELL JAR, Joan Didion’s PLAY IT AS IT LAYS, Margaret Atwood’s THE BLIND ASSASSIN, Camus’s THE STRANGER, the complete works of Shakespeare, and there are too many YA titles to list. J

Please note these interview questions are NOT exclusive to Books for Company

Find C. Desir 

Buy Bleed Like Me
Amazon (USA/UK)


*Review* Zane's Choice by Mardi Maxwell

Zane's Choice (The Doms of Club Mystique, #4)Zane's Choice - Mardi Maxwell
Released : 5th September 2014
Publisher: Siren Publisher 
Format : E Book
Source : Blog Tour
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Beautiful, curvy Ravyn Templeton saw Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He's haunted her dreams ever since.
Zane is an Assistant District Attorney and co-owner of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas ranch. When Ravyn's ex-husband is arrested for trying to have her killed, the case is assigned to Zane.
The moment Zane meets Ravyn he wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will jeopardize his career, he can't resist her. When Ravyn's ex-husband accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to answer Zane's questions, he leaves her.
Fate in the form of Addison Ramsey steps in and brings them together again and again. Zane has the power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her.

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Very strong and determined main character.
- I found the writing style wasn't as descriptive as I like.
- I did get a bit confused with some characters. 

In Long
I really wanted to like this book more than I did but I just couldn’t get into the storyline as much as I wanted to. There are many reasons why I couldn’t get into it as deeply as I would have liked but there are also things which I enjoyed.

Let me start off by saying I did like Ravyn, she’s quite a strong and determined character who will fight for what she wants and needs and doesn’t back down easily. The other females in the book all had their own little personalities although no one was really explored in a depth. Zane was a confusing character and I never really understood his action or what he might do next. I usually like this but for some reason I didn’t this time.

My main dislike is the writing style, I guess it just wasn’t for me because I often felt it was descriptive in places I didn’t need or want it to be but in places I would have liked more detail it almost seemed to skip on any detail at all. The lack in detail meant I wasn’t able to imagine anything or really become engrossed.

I also found myself at a few points in the book completely confused. Suddenly there were a lot of new names being thrown around and I got so confused between all these men who were meant to have done this or that. Certain parts of the story definitely could have been slowed down and delved into deeper.

Final Thoughts
Zane’s Choice was a book I really have mixed feelings about but I am certain that this has a lot of potential and can see many others enjoying this.


Excerpt for No Such Thing As Perfect

No Such Thing As Perfect

College was supposed to be perfect. She was supposed to be perfect. For Lily Drummond, life is about following the rules. To be specific, her mother’s rules. College fit into the plan – maintain perfect grades, date the perfect guy, and live the perfect life. On her own, though, Lily realizes that she doesn’t actually have a plan. Without being told what to think and do, she keeps making mistakes. Away from home, the perfect facade is beginning to shatter. When Lily herself starts to break, it’s the support of an unlikely friend that teaches her how much of a lie perfect really is – and how to be whole on her own terms. Release Date: December 12, 2014 (tentative) Preorders to be available in November unless something changes.  

“My name’s Lily and James Naismith ruined high school for me,” I offer. It’s too hot in this room. The window fan is blowing nothing but heat over us, along with some old dust or dirt from the window. It makes the noise of plastic that is being asked to do more than plastic can do; the fan’s cheapness makes it too weak to be a fan and it groans with its own failure. I’m not good with social events. This is some kind of mandated floor meeting for all new students and I’m sitting in the middle of my RA’s room with ten other girls, all of us in pajama pants, and trying to sound interesting. “I mean, he didn’t personally. I think he died almost a hundred years ago,” I stutter. “So why don’t you explain how the inventor of basketball did ruin high school then?” one girl asks. She’s angry, but I don’t know her. I don’t know anyone, except my roommate Kristen and so far all I know about her is that she’s majoring in education, she brought the fridge, and she’s decorated her side of our dorm room to look like the inside of a Pepto-Bismol bottle. This girl doesn’t want to hear my story. She doesn’t want to be here, but I don’t, either, and now that I’m here, I was the one dumb enough to open my mouth. “It was gym class,” I try to explain. “I don’t know. Something about ed reform. We had homework and tests and all that in gym now and I’d been up all night writing an essay about James Naismith. I hadn’t slept and I was in a rush trying to make the bus that morning.” It had been cold, the rushing towards winter that mirrors the years that aren’t like this one. This is one where summer lingers and it resists every attempt to make it yield to fall. I remember the leaves were already falling that year, even though it was only early September. Some years it seemed like they were in a greater rush to die. In the moments between life, each leaf took its suicidal leap and fell slowly while no one noticed. We always only notice when they’re all dead and suddenly the sky hangs on us and we crave shade. The bus was about to pull away from the curb near my house and I cried out for it, running faster and slipping on a clump of leaves. The entire patch was squishy. I wondered as I fell if I had taken out a small family of worms in my descent. My outfit was ruined, but it wasn’t the clothes that scared me… “I tripped on leaves and fell on the driveway hard. The gravel left a slash along my cheek and it looked like someone had punched me. That was the day of school pictures, which we used for the yearbook and our IDs. Not to mention the fact that my mom…” I can’t finish. I don’t want to take about my mother. I certainly don’t feel like confiding in these girls about how disappointed she was that I had ruined everything. It wasn’t my fault that fall had come early, but I ruined the pictures and in her album of school photos, my freshman year still remains a giant, empty black page. A constant reminder that I will never be whole, never be perfect, never be what she wanted. “What about your mom?” someone else asks. “Nothing.” I don’t want to tell my story anymore. I want the fan to stop trying. I want it to be tomorrow and the day after and any day when I can start in the morning and get through to night without making a mistake. It’s dropped, though, anyway, because Ellie, the RA, turns to someone else who is pocketing a handful of condoms. “You don’t need to take them all,” she barks. “I have plenty, but other people practice safe sex, too. Unless you’re planning on having a massive orgy tonight, you can probably come back and get some later.” The condom hoarder blushes and returns half her pile and the floor meeting turns back to pointless small talk and ice breakers that no one wants to be a part of. The fan clicks another meaningless rotation. I’ve been a college student for six hours now and I’ve never been so lonely in my entire life.

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Excerpt - Tackled by Rachael Duncan

Landon Stone has it all. He’s the star quarterback for one of the powerhouse teams in a professional football league, has a beautiful supportive wife cheering him on, and plenty of money to support him for the rest of his life. In the blink of an eye, it all comes crashing down as every player’s worst fear unfolds right in front of his eyes. With nothing left, he finds himself going back to where it all started. 

Autumn McCray has lived in the same small town her whole life. Being tormented and bullied throughout high school, she has those constant reminders surrounding her every day. Having put most of those demons behind her, she’s forced to confront them once again and find her inner strength in order to move forward. 

With Landon and Autumn’s paths crossing, they both are faced with obstacles they never imagined they would have to overcome. Will they help each other with their struggles, or be left to tackle them on their own?


Without looking behind me at the approaching danger, I plant my feet, pull my arm back, and throw the ball with all my might. For a second, everything seems to be moving in slow motion. I’m watching the ball fly slowly through the air, waiting to hit the hands of the guy who’s about to win it for us. But before I can see if the catch is complete, a 350-pound freight train crashes into my left side, knocking the air right out of me. The momentum from the hit jerks my head to the left as my body gets jarred to the right and slammed into the ground. I hear the pop before I feel the excruciating pain. It’s sending sharp jolts of what feels like knives stabbing me straight up my left leg. It’s so intense it instantly makes me nauseous.

I can’t hear anything as I roll back and forth clutching my knee in agony. This is bad, real bad. Gritting my teeth, I try to hold in the groans that want to escape my throat as I wait for the training staff to get to me on the field.

“What’s wrong, Landon?” one of the trainers asks while bending down to get close to me.

“My knee,” I moan out through clenched teeth.

“Okay, can you walk with some help?”

“I could probably hop toward the sideline, but I won’t make it to the locker room.” My mind is going all over the fucking place with the possibilities of what could be wrong. 

“Alright, let’s go.” He nods at two of my teammates and each of them grabs an arm and helps me to my feet. A hiss passes through my teeth as I slightly move my left knee on accident. With all of my weight on my right leg and my arms slung over my teammates’ shoulders, I manage to hobble my way to the sideline where transportation is waiting for me. Once I sit down, a relieved breath emerges from me. I’m still in a lot of pain, but I’m glad I made it.

The cart starts moving to take me to the doctor, who I’m sure is waiting on my arrival. Before I’m taken away, I glance up at the stands to find Valerie. Her mouth is hanging slightly open and all the color has drained from her face. I give her a thumbs up and try to put a small smile on my face to let her know I’m okay.

I know I’m anything but.

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Blog Tour - Forgiving Gia by Gina Whitney

Abel Gunner is a rock-star with legendary skills both in and out of the bedroom. He swore he wouldn't fall for another woman after being schemed and manipulated by an ex-lover. He kept that vow until he met Gia Mastro. The Dom inside of him awoke the moment he set eyes upon the submissive beauty. His dark soul hungered for her submission and affection. The deep connection they share leaves him desperate for something he never expected – her love. Her pain brings him the pleasure he craves. Her smile calms the beast that rages within him. Gia loves Abel more than life itself, but Abel is disillusioned by love and wrecks Gia in the process. Her life hangs in the balance. His life depends on forgiving her. This couple must face many truths. Is love enough to overcome the damage that dwells within? Gia’s experiences with love have been nil until meeting the infamous bad-boy rocker, Abel Gunner. Swept up in a mind-bending, Dom/submissive love affair, she’s forced to make decisions that both help and hurt their relationship. They both have to face their demons before they can embrace a future together. In the end, they’re faced with two choices: Fight for their love, or die with their demons.



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Cover Reveal - Interrupted by S. Moose

Coming: November 10, 2014

There are only three things Cam Ellison wants in life: a loving husband, a baby and to find her first love, Ayden Park. But all that is taken away from her in a blink of an eye. 

Picking up the pieces to her life, Cam buries herself in work and her new boss, a young, millionaire CEO, A. Sharp.
But he’s the man with two rules: 

1. No repeats 
2. No relationships

Cam pushes herself into Sharp's life, breaking down the walls he’s built. Soon they find themselves in a situation neither wants to walk away from. But when the door opens, everything changes. 
Interrupted is a three book erotic romance novella serial.

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Unspoken Endings by Gabbie S. Duran

Will the distance tear them apart? 

With every difficulty Matt and Abigail have faced since the day they met, they’ve depended on their trust and love in each other to see them through. But what happens when absence becomes their biggest obstacle? 

When Abigail follows her heart to pursue her career, she is forced to leave Matt behind. Confident that their love is strong enough to withstand the distance put between them, they believe they will soon come back to each other. But when a danger from their past threatens their future, Matt may just lose her forever. 

Their love in one another will be put to the test, and only time will tell if they can truly find their unspoken ending.


Excerpt“It’s nice to see you again, Abigail.” The sound of his voice sends me back to that very first day I heard it in my coma. A set of shivers courses through my body knowing his sole intention is to harm me.

“You shouldn’t be here, Bill. I’d hate to see what would happen if Julio caught you near me,” I bravely state through clenched teeth while I attempt to control them from rattling in fear.

“Your little bodyguard won’t be coming back soon. I’ve made sure of that.” The words worry me the instant I absorb them and my body demands I move as I try to sidestep past Bill, but he lunges forward and fiercely grips my arm. His fingers forcefully dig into my skin as I continue my attempt to escape, to no avail. My scalp radiates with pain as he digs his hand into my hair and yanks. With his mouth brushing up against my cheek, I feel his dirty, warm breath as he says, “The only way you’re leaving is with me.” 

“Fuck you!” I angrily growl.

He laughs at my exclamation. The eerie feeling of his breath running down my neck sends an unwelcome shiver down my spine. Grabbing onto his wrist, I try my best to free myself from his grip, but he tightens his hold, sending another jolt of pain down my scalp. This time I let out a wail in hopes someone will hear me. 

He strikes my face with the hilt of his gun and I almost black out. “Shut the fuck up, bitch!” he shouts, tugging again on my head and urging me to walk. I try to dig my heels into the ground, but it doesn’t do any good and I soon feel something being shoved into my ribs, urging me forward with another jolt of pain. I already know it’s the gun digging into my ribs and fear is what motivates me to move. 

“We’re leaving this room now. If you try to call out for help, Abigail, I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger,” he proclaims while shoving it deeper into my side, making me whimper from the pain. 


Extract + Giveaway - Black Ice

To celebrate the publication of Becca Fitzpatrick’s hot new thriller, Black Ice, Simon & Schuster has set up a blog tour with a twist. To be in with a chance of winning a Black Ice goodie bag, all you have to do is visit each of the five blogs in the banner over the course of this week.

Each blog will have one question associated with its content. Take the first letter from the answer of each of those questions to reveal the identity of a character in Black Ice. For example if the answers each day were Log, Under, Chilling, Idaho and Emergency the final answer would be LUCIE.

When you have the name of the character, please send your answer to blackice@simonandschuster.co.uk with the subject headerBLACK ICE BLOG TOUR. Entries will close at midnight on Wednesday 15th October.

Extract of Black Ice
If I died, it wouldn’t be from hypothermia.I decided this as I crammed a goose-down sleeping bag into the back of my Jeep Wrangler and strapped it in, along with five duffels of gear, fleece and woo blankets, silk bag liners, toe warmers, and ground mats. Satisfied nothing was going to fly out on the three-hour drive to Idlewilde, I shut the tailgate and wiped my hands on my cutoffs.
My cell phone blared Rod Stewart crooning, “If you want mybody,” and I held off answering for a moment so I could belt out the “and you think I’m sexy” part along with Rod. Across the street, Mrs. Pritchard slammed her living room window shut. Honestly I couldn’t let a perfectly good ringtone go to waste.
“Hey, girl,” Korbie said, snapping her bubble gum through the phone. “We on schedule or what?”
“Tiny snag. Wrangler’s out of room,” I said with a dramatic sigh. Korbie and I had been best friends forever, but we acted more like sisters. Teasing was part of the fun. “I got the sleeping bags and gear in, but we’re going to have to leave behind one of the duffels: navy with pink handles.”
“You leave my bag, and you can kiss my g-ass money good-bye.”
“Should’ve known you’d play the rich-family card.”
“If you’ve got it, flaunt it. Anyway, you should blame all the people getting divorced and hiring my mom. If people could kiss and make up, she’d be out of a job.”
“And then you’d have to move. Far as I’m concerned, divorce
Korbie snickered her amusement. “I just called Bear. He hasn’t started packing yet but he swears he’s gonna meet us at Idlewilde before dark.”
Korbie’s family owned Idlewilde, a picturesque cabin in Grand Teton National Park, and for the next week, it was as close to civilization as we were going to get. “I told him if I have to clear bats out of the eaves by myself, he can count on a long, chaste spring break,” Korbie added.
“I still can’t believe your parents are letting you spend spring break with your boyfriend.”
“Well—” Korbie began hesitantly.
“I knew it! There is more to this story.”
“Calvin is coming along to chaperone.”
Korbie made a gagging noise. “He’s coming home for spring break and my dad is forcing him to tag along. I haven’t talked to Calvin about it, but he’s probably pissed. He hates it when my dad tells him what to do. Especially now that he’s in college. He’s going to be in a horrible mood, and I’m the one who has to put up with it.”
I sat on the Jeep’s bumper, my knees suddenly feeling made of sand. It hurt to breathe. Just like that, Calvin’s ghost was everywhere.I remembered the first time we kissed. During a game of hide-and-seek along the riverbed behind his house, he’d fingered my bra strap and shoved his tongue in my mouth while mosquitoes whined in my ears.
And I’d wasted five pages recording the event ad nauseam in my diary.
“He’ll be back in town any minute,” Korbie said. “It sucks, right? I mean, you’re over him, right?”
“So over him,” I said, hoping I sounded blasé.
“I don’t want it to be awkward, you know?”
“Please. I haven’t thought about your brother in ages.” Then I blurted, “What if I keep an eye on you and Bear? Tell your parents we don’t need Calvin.” The truth was, I wasn’t ready to see Calvin. Maybe I could get out of the trip. Fake an illness. But it was my trip. I had worked hard for this. I wasn’t going to let Calvin ruin it. He’d ruined too many things already.
“They won’t go for it,” Korbie said. “He’s meeting us at Idlewilde tonight.”
“Tonight? What about his gear? He won’t have time to pack,” I pointed out. “We’ve been packing for days.”
Continuing Reading


*Review* If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones

If I Were You (Inside Out, #1)
Released : 12th March 2014
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
The steamy first installment in the Inside Out erotic romance trilogy by Lisa Renee Jones, in the bestselling tradition of Fifty Shades of Grey.

When Sara McMillan finds a stack of journals in a storage unit, she’s shocked and enthralled by the erotic life the writer led. Unable to stop reading, she vicariously lives out dark fantasies through Rebecca, the writer—until the terrifying final entry.

Certain something sinister has happened, Sara sets out to discover the facts, immersing herself in Rebecca’s life. Soon she’s working at the art gallery Rebecca worked at and meeting Rebecca’s friends. Finding herself drawn to two dangerously sexy men, the manager of the gallery and a famed artist, Sara realizes she’s going down the same path Rebecca took. But with the promise of her dark needs being met by a man with confident good looks and a desire for control, she’s not sure anything else matters. Just the burn for more

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Gripping, Intense and intriguing. 
- The writing is fascinating 
- Heart breaking irresistible male characters.

In Long
The whole concept of If I Were You is just damn awesome. It’s as simple as that. It has everything you want in a book and more! I really can’t pick any faults with it so there is no point in even trying.

The whole mystery of Rebecca is truly gripping and I found myself becoming obsessed in trying to find more out about Rebecca just like Sara was. Because of this it’s pretty much impossible to put the book down from a few pages in.

The writing is just irresistible and charming. The characters become more alive with each chapter and I loved getting to know them more as I got further into the book. I found Sara a brilliant main character with a lot of heart and someone I would easily be friends with in real life.

Of course there is the heart breaking delicious male characters who tick every right box and more! I totally fell for them both and felt both sorry for and jealous of Sara!

I can’t recommend this book enough. I think it’s a brilliant book for people who want a bit more of a story line to their erotic books and I am sure once you have picked it up you won’t be putting it down until you finish the last page.

Final Thoughts

On a side note, make sure you have the second book at hand because you will NEED it as soon as you finish the last page of If I Were You. 


Lead Him Not Into Temptation By M.L. Steinbru

Jennifer MacLauchlan is not who you think...
I’m damaged, but not destroyed. 
I’ve been betrayed, but I remain loyal.
The only people I love don’t know the secrets I hold. They wouldn’t want me anymore if they did.
Casen Thompson refuses to acknowledge the world that left him behind... 
I may be tattered, but I’m not torn.
I’m trusted by many, but I have faith in very few. 
My love for music and the desire for the family I never had is the glue that holds my shattered soul together. 
When these two volatile personalities collide, a firestorm of emotions erupts forcing both to face the fears that keep them from everything they have ever wanted. Secrets are unearthed and forgiveness is tested as Jen struggles to accept that Casen might be everything that could fix her.
Will Jen trust herself enough to truly lead Casen into a temptation that he can’t walk away from?
Lead Him Not into Temptation is an adult contemporary novel and is not intended for younger readers due to mature content.

EJ Button


Over-Exposed by Julie Jaret Excerpt

Natalie's tires squealed as she sped up and down the levels, finding every last parking space was filled. She tried to call her assistant, but should’ve known better than to hope for cell reception in the garage. As she reversed the car in an anger-fueled three-point turn, she heard a thump. Shit. Checking the rearview mirror, she saw nothing -- no cars, no cement columns. Whatever. She hoped Kari was able to stall the parties on the video conference...

Suddenly, the door behind her flung open and someone jumped in, rocking the car. “Drive,” a deep voice ordered.
“Oh my god. Just take the car.” She reached for the door handle, thankful she could run straight to her office, now, and maybe make it in time for the-- 
“I don’t want the car. I want you to drive, lady!”

“I’m late for a conference call!” Before she could push the door open, something hard pressed against the back of her head. She stiffened and slanted a glance toward the rearview mirror, but couldn’t see him since he was directly behind her.
“You’re gonna have to reschedule. Drive the fucking car.”

“Okay. Okay. Where do you want to go?” Her voice shook with panic. Dad’s gonna give me that disappointed look. Can’t believe this shit. What are the frigging odds?
“Just get me out of here.”

Natalie drove around and around the garage toward the exit, trying now and then to see him in her mirrors. As they stopped for the automatic gate to lift she made a move to open the door, but he tapped her skull with what she presumed was a gun barrel. A reminder, like she could ever forget it was there.
“Don’t make me use this.”

“I’m sorry.” Her voice shook a little. She hated that. “Which way should I go?”
“Take me to your house.”
“I don’t have a house.” 
He made an exasperated sound. “I assume you’re not homeless. Take me wherever the hell it is you live.”
She drove a circuitous route through the slow-moving maze of Midtown, inching the car down the one-way streets and multiple Peachtrees that confounded even native Atlantans. For fuck’s sake, there’s never a police car when you need one...
Her phone rang, startling her.
Her passenger barked “Don’t answer it!” a half-second too late. 
“Sorry! It’s a reflex.” She cringed, half-expecting to be pistol-whipped.
Then Kari’s voice came over the car speakers. “Jesus Christ, Nat!”

“Yeah, I’m having a really hard time parking--”
“Forget it, we cancelled. Are you listening to the radio?”
“Uh, no...”
“All the traffic? It’s not an accident.” If she hadn’t been in a life-or-death situation, Natalie would’ve noticed her assistant’s oddly-excited tone. “They started shooting the movie, and Sam Danmore disappeared! He’s like a fugitive or something.”

“Hang up,” Natalie’s passenger growled low from the back seat.
It dawned on her now that his voice seemed familiar. She risked a glance over her shoulder and holy shit. Holy. Shit. Holy fucking shit. “Holy fucking shit.”
A world-famous pair of sexy brown eyes glared, and she turned back around just in time to avoid rear-ending a city bus.

“I know, right?” Kari’s voice gushed. “They said he raped a teenage girl in his trailer and ran off when she screamed.”
“My god...” Natalie jerked the car to a rocking stop in a loading zone, narrowly missing a few pedestrians.

“Again. Can you believe that?”

“Kari, I’ve gotta call you back.” She disconnected and sat silently a moment, staring straight ahead. Her heart was pounding harder than it did when her passenger first jumped in the car. Without turning, she spoke in her coldest and most professional voice (which barely shook at all). “Is it safe to assume you have not been holding a real gun to my head?”

She heard him sigh heavily. In her peripheral vision, she saw him hold up a strong, tan hand and fold it into a finger-gun.
“That’s a safe assumption, yes. And for the record, I didn’t do it.”

Of course you didn’t. Now try to sell me Braves Stadium. “In that case, would you care to explain why you’re-- uh, naked, and in my car?” Her damn voice betrayed her that time.

“Let’s talk about that when we get to your place.” The words were steeped in his trademark sinful smile. The narcissistic ass was trying to manipulate her.
She wasn’t going to let him. “Never mind. Please just get out.”
The leather seat creaked as he leaned forward and his deep chuckle tickled her ear. “Did you forget I’m naked?”
She stiffened. “No. I didn’t.”

It was a universally-accepted fact that Sam Danmore had a gorgeous body. Natalie had once heard a talk show host joke that his standard movie contract contained a wardrobe clause specifying his refusal to wear shirts in more than three scenes.

He didn’t budge. His hair brushed her cheek. It was soft and smelled like fresh shampoo.
Keep facing forward. Don’t move. Don’t talk.
And for fuck’s sake, don’t look!
There were plenty of people Natalie disliked. Sam Danmore was the only one she could honestly say she hated.
Yeah, silly girl? Then why has your mouth gone dry?
To her relief he finally backed off, taking his scent with him. “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m not gonna walk around downtown Atlanta in the buff. 
The BMW’s windows were tinted for privacy, so while many people rushed past them along the busy sidewalk, no one had given her car a second glance.
“Well, I’m certainly not taking you to my home!” Ugh. Could she sound more prim?
He was quiet for a moment and she felt him studying her. “In that case, I’m gonna open the door here, and get all these nice people riled up until the news crews come and we’re all over the internet. You seem like someone who’d be okay with that.”
She reached for her phone. “I’m calling the police.”
The smug bastard laughed at her. “Oh, so you want more media attention? I must’ve misread you.”
He was still laughing as Natalie threw the car in gear and floored the gas to force her way back into traffic.


Book Tour - Finished by Claire Kent

By Claire Kent

For the last year, Julia has lived with two men.

Drayton is hot and mysterious, and Mike takes care of her. Together, they have great sex and a mostly stable relationship—one Julia thought satisfied her. After all, how can she complain about having two sexy men at the same time?

Then everything starts to change. Drayton is keeping a dark secret that threatens more than their arrangement. It might actually threaten their lives. And Mike keeps becoming more alpha than she’s ever known him to be.

What once was fun and casual is now a tangle of conflicting desires. Drayton wants to keep his freedom. Julia wants a real commitment.

And Mike…well, Mike just wants her.

Available at:
She was smiling at Drayton, thinking she needed to spend more time with him like this, since she’d been focused a lot more on Mike than on him lately, when he asked into the silence, “What are you thinking about?” “You,” she admitted, putting down her glass and leaning back in her seat. “Us. Our relationship. Do you ever want any more than what we have?” She had no idea why she’d voiced the question that had been lingering in her mind for a couple of months now. She knew it went beyond the bounds of their established relationship. But it was honest, and Drayton felt safe at the moment. She really wanted to know. He blinked slowly. Glanced away for a moment. Then turned back to meet her gaze. “I’m happy with the way things are.” She gave a little nod, feeling a drop of disappointment. “Oh. Okay.” “Aren’t you happy?” “I am. I mean, what girl wouldn’t want great sex with two amazing guys. But, still, sometimes I wonder…it just sometimes feels like something is missing.” He shook his head and leaned toward her. “Nothing is missing. Everyone, in any kind of relationship, sometimes wonders if something is missing. That’s because life can never offer us everything. We choose what’s most important to us and accept that there are some things we’ll never have. If you have some romantic notion about getting everything without giving up anything, you’ll always be disappointed. Life isn’t about perfect happy endings. They just don’t exist. It’s about choosing. And then about giving up what we don’t choose.” She thought about his words and then nodded slowly. “Yeah. I know you’re right about that. But don’t you ever want to be close to us—with more than just your body.”

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