
Downward Spiral by Bria Starr Excerpt

One horrible night changed everything.
And now, Paige can’t stop the nightmares. No one can...
Except him.
When Paige Tomlin unexpectedly runs into Eli Stone one day, memories of that awful night don’t come crashing down on her like she thought they would. Instead, memories from when they were young and inseparable surround her.
The boy she rode the bus to school with every day.
The boy who picked her up and drove her around the first day he got his license.
The boy who told her his deepest secrets.
The boy who left her without saying goodbye…
The man who came back for her.
Thrown into a world of fear and confusion, they lean on each other for support and survival.
But is the one thing that brought them back together the very thing that will rip them apart forever?

Author Interview 

How did the storyline for Downward Spiral come about?

It was a crazy dream I had! About a boy I used to go to school with. The dream was so vivid and so real, it also wouldn’t go away. When I told my mom about it, she said, “Maybe you should write a book about it?”

My response? “No way. I don’t know how I could ever turn that nightmare into a romance novel.”

Well, guess what? The dream wouldn’t go away, so I wrote down every detail I could remember, and I set it aside for after I was finished writing Your Exception. I knew it would be my next book.

Describe Paige in 5 words?

Paige is brave, broken, confused, loving, strong.

Was there any parts of Downward Spiral which you found hard to write?

I had the dream in my head with a million unanswered questions. There were so many things I didn’t understand. So trying to base an entire book based on that, and try to make sense out of “why”, was the hardest thing. But it all worked out.

What’s in the future for you?

Writing more books! So many ideas, so little time! My next signing is in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 26, 2014!


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