
Cover Reveal - Ignited by Julie Kenner

You can view the other covers in the series here

The Men

Evan Black. Tyler Sharp. Cole August.
Brilliant, fierce, determined. Sexy as hell. And utterly dangerous.
They make their own rules, find their own way, and to hell with anyone or anything who tells them otherwise, be it a cop, a court, or a woman.
They’ve spent over a decade watching each others’ backs, protecting each others’ secrets, and relying on each others’ talents.
They’ve taken risks, said “fuck you” to the law, and made a tidy profit in the process.
There’s not a scheme they’ve concocted that they haven’t pulled off, not a desire they haven’t achieved.
And there sure as hell isn’t a woman they’ve pursued that they haven’t caught.
None, however, have captured their hearts.
None, until now.

The Women
Angelina Raine. Sloane Watson. Katrina Laron.
Three completely different women, each with a unique way of looking at the world.
Each with secrets and ambitions she holds close to her heart.
And each more than capable of standing on her own two feet.
None are looking for a man. But whether because of lust, greed or duty, each woman finds herself in a forbidden bed with the one man
capable of crashing through her defenses and taking her—both physically and emotionally—to her breaking point and beyond.
It’s a dangerous game—and what’s at stake is everything.

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