Author: Annalise Delaney
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Devastated. Desperate. Determined. Months with Jake more than awakened the submissive within Gabrielle. He flipped a switch she can’t turn off. Craving the man who melts her heart and owns her body, she’ll do anything it takes to be his. Even risk the thing she fears the most. Jake would kill to protect his woman. But for the first time in his life, he faces an enemy he can’t destroy. Driven to help silence the echoes of her past, he’ll do whatever he needs to do. Including the last thing anyone expected.
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Jake stood back, focused on the numbnut he was about to annihilate, and then sent the whip slicing through the air, snapping a perfect hole right into the paper face of Joseph Pedophile Talbot. If the bastard had actually been standing in front of Jake, instead of on a 4 x 6 card, he would have one less eye.
Or ball, maybe. Jake didn’t really care which.
He moved his attention to the next card and repeated the process he’d become well acquainted with.
“Juan Drug-Trafficking Mendoza, you motherfucker, this is for Gabrielle and all the others like her.” He stepped back, and with one fluid movement, Juan’s face was ripped from the card that remained attached to the metal clip.
Jake moved to the next card and started—
“Looks like you’ve stepped up your game, Cowboy.”
He spun around in surprise to find Derek watching from a fairly safe distance. Good idea. But what the hell was he doing here at this hour?
“By the look on your face, I think I should ask you the same thing,” Derek said.
“Oh? And what thing’s that?” Jake asked, having said nothing so far.
“What the fuck are we doing here at this hour.”
Jake didn’t answer right away, but his smile confirmed Derek’s question. “Couldn’t sleep,” Jake finally said.
“Well neither could your little subbie.”
“She’s up?” He glanced at his watch. 5:40 a.m. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to stay down here this long.
“She’s up.”
Jake hung the whip next to the others and trekked back to what he’d affectionately named The Strand of Scumbags, pulling off each remaining card. Some were whole and others were tattered. He was impressed with his improved accuracy.
“Your aim is getting sharper,” Derek said, nodding toward the rope line.
“Yeah, well what can I say? I like to hit my targets.”
“Do you have an endless supply of those guys?” Derek asked, gesturing toward the stack of cards in Jake’s hand.
“Something like that.”
“Hey, if that’s what you need to help deal with things, then far be it for me to try and stop you. Use this place anytime.” Derek said. “But that still leaves me wondering something.”
“Hit me.”
“What I can’t figure is, why the hell would you chose to spend your time here, when you’ve got a naked and willing submissive in your bed upstairs?”
Jake picked up the few tattered faces from the floor as he contemplated an answer. He’d told Derek he needed use of some of the rooms for Gabrielle, but he hadn’t told him about their current arrangement.
“There’s more to it than that,” Jake said.
“Like what?”
Jake straightened and turned to face the man who’d been more than just his mentor. He’d been his friend for twenty years, yet he was almost afraid to tell him what he’d done. Of course, it wasn’t like the guy could take away his Dom card, right? “It’s complicated.”
“I made a temporary amendment to my arrangement with Gabrielle,” Jake said.
“Well that sounds intriguing.” Derek raised an eyebrow. “Do tell.”
“When we finally talked about what happened to trigger her, and how to move past it, she had some ideas.”
“What kind of ideas?” Derek’s brows narrowed.
“I didn’t let it get that far, but she was getting damned close to suggesting we continue in a vanilla situation.” Derek lifted his chin as he listened, and Jake continued. “There might not be any way to come back from that,” he said, extending his arms in surrender. “I didn’t want it to get that far, so I suggested something else before she did.”
“Two weeks D/s without sex,” Jake said, ready for the fallout.
Derek studied his face for what seemed like an eternity and finally said, “That actually might be brilliant. I like it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, creative.”
“Glad you think so,” Jake answered. “I’m starting to wonder if I’ve lost my fucking mind.”
Derek rolled his head back and chuckled. “Not working the way you wanted, huh?”
“Oh no, it is. She’s nearly begging for it.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“I’m beginning to hallucinate, for one,” he snapped.
Derek laughed and shook his head. “So what’s next?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t have a fucking clue.”
“Hmmm,” Derek pondered for a moment. “I might have some ideas.”
About Annalise Delaney:
Annalise is an indie author writing contemporary romance with an erotic edge. Her romance novels are packed with twists and turns, emotional tugs of war, a shot of suspense, and a plethora of unapologetically dominant men and the women they crave... All tied together with a good dose of lust and love. As a girl, writing occupied her time when age-appropriate books put her to sleep. The books tucked in the bottom drawer of her mother’s dresser overflowed with love, passion, betrayal, and revenge—making for far better reads. VC Andrews’ imaginative and twisted stories started it all. Juggling a busy schedule, Annalise adheres to the motto, ‘Work hard, play hard.’ When she’s not working, she’s hopefully somewhere on the beach, under a palm tree, or where chips, salsa, margaritas, and laughter are abundant. As for what she reads and writes today, let's just say it's come a long way from sweet. Welcome to the place where sweet meets spicy. A place where sassy stories come to kiss and tell.
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