
Cover Reveal - Downward Spiral By Bria Starr

Coming: September 15, 2014

One horrible night changed everything.
And now, Paige can’t stop the nightmares. No one can...

Except him.

When Paige Tomlin unexpectedly runs into Eli Stone one day, memories of that awful night don’t come crashing down on her like she thought they would. Instead, memories from when they were young and inseparable surround her.

The boy she rode the bus to school with every day.

The boy who picked her up and drove her around the first day he got his license.

The boy who told her his deepest secrets.

The boy who left her without saying goodbye…

The man who came back for her.

Thrown into a world of fear and confusion, they lean on each other for support and survival.

But is the one thing that brought them back together the very thing that will rip them apart forever?

“Well, I’m a bit fucked up in the head.”

He laughs. He’s actually laughing at me! It wasn’t a joke. I don’t know whether to be pissed off or laugh with him, so I just sit here and wait for him to finish.

“I’m sorry, Paige,” he says, wiping away a tear.

“Seriously? You look anything but sorry.”

“It’s just that you’re the most normal person I’ve ever met, and yet you genuinely believe you’re fucked up.”

“I am. And you of all people should understand why. A lot has changed in the last few months, Eli.”

“No, I get that, but you’re still the same. Exactly the same. Just a little more … grown up.” His eyes graze over my body.

“You don’t even know me anymore.”

“I know enough.” He sinks back into the cushion. “By the way, I’ve always wanted to say thank you.”

“For what?”

“For saving my life.”

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You'll Think Of Me by Luica Franco


Luke Jackson.

With his thick southern drawl and seductive charm, Luke is the country boy everyone adores. He has his future mapped out, but his plans with Olivia are suddenly derailed when she makes a decision that blindsides him, changing the path they both envisioned.

As Luke struggles to keep everything in check during a difficult time in his life, he must put his trust in the one person who broke it to begin with. The last time they saw each other, Olivia busted his heart wide open, turning him into the man he is today.

When Olivia returns to her roots, just like Luke said she would, he is shocked for more reasons than one. Nine years have passed since they've seen each other, and when their roads collide unexpectedly, Luke can only push his worry and misgivings away for so long.

Things are different now—they are strangers—and the rope that once bound Olivia's heart to South Fork, Georgia is pulling her back in, forcing her to remember how it used to be all those years ago.


“Nate,” she groaned with a sigh. “There can’t be anymore dates between us. I’m sorry, but this is the one and only date. I had a great time tonight, but this is it.”

“How about you let me decide that,” he said in all seriousness.

“No. We can’t. As much as I enjoyed myself tonight, this is it. No more. Don’t you see the lines we’re crossing?”

Olivia’s forehead wrinkled with concern. How was it that he didn’t have a drop of worry? Was he only thinking about himself?

“I do see that,” he said moving in closely, “but I don’t give a fuck about any imaginary lines, Olivia. I want you, and I’m pretty sure you want me too. So what’s the problem here? And don’t give me that patient/doctor shit. I told you I would switch doctors. What’s your problem? You can’t deny the chemistry between us. It’s there. It’s pulling at us both and you know it. I can read your eyes and see it. It’s been there since the day we met. Don’t deny it.”

Olivia glanced around the parking lot. Deep down she wasn’t sure if she was ready to put herself on the line again, but by the deep undertone he used, she knew Nate was fuming.

“I don’t have a problem with us. What I do have a problem with is you finding a new doctor. Dr. Thatcher is the best.”

“I understand,” he answered staring down at her, “but you diagnosed my problem and it seems like an easy one to fix at that. So I could switch doctors with no issue. Nate-3-, Livy, still 0. Go ahead. Give me another reason, Liv, and that will put me at 4 points and you 0, because you know I’ll win that one too.” He formed his fingers into a ‘0’ as he said it with a know-it-all-defensive-fucking-try-me attitude.

Shit. She was all out of reasons, not that she had many to begin with. She was holding back. Her one gripe was the fact that she was his doctor and he just blew that argument out of the water.

Olivia didn’t want to get hurt and feared she would. It was a gut feeling she didn’t want to ignore. She was afraid to be around Nate. He managed to knock down some of her walls, expose her layers so early on and she wasn’t used to it. No one other than Luke had done that to her. She knew she’d fall hard for him, but not until she was ready to on her terms. When the time came she would let go and love again.

“Stop,” he ordered.

“Stop what?”

“Stop thinking so hard,” he demanded with a drawl. “I can see it spinning in your pretty brown eyes.” He was just an inch away from her now and breathing down on her.

“I see what you’re doing, finding ways to say no,” he whispered. “You’re so easy to read, Liv. I know you already in this little amount of time. I paid attention to you, your body. Your incredibly sexy body that I want so, so fucking bad…” Nate trailed off, growling under his breath as he slid an arm around her lower back and pulled her up against him.

“Stop looking for an out,” Nate insisted.

“Nathaniel,” she whispered. “I can’t.”

“Says who? You? You’re the one fighting me on it right now, Liv. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it between us. Just let go and give us a damn try.”

Find Luica
Twitter- @whiskeygirl06


Cover Reveal - Over-Exposed by Julie Jaret

Coming: September 23, 2014


She’s all work.
Fifteen years ago, Natalie Simmons reinvented herself with a single goal: to earn her father’s respect. The frivolous, attention-seeking college girl is now a workaholic lawyer on partnership track. 
That is, until Sam Danmore shows up. 

He’s all play.

He’s gorgeous, famous, arrogant as ever, and can still drench her panties with a look and a grin -- a fact which only reinforces how much she hates him. And wants him.

When an obsessed fan forces Sam into hiding, Natalie has to help him or risk getting caught up in the media frenzy, herself. But her unwanted, yet deepening attraction to him threatens the new life she has built... because Sam has spent the last fifteen years living up to his reputation, and Natalie is still trying to live hers down.

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Blog Tour - Gravity Excerpt

After years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive a child, Gemma Walsh discovers her husband in bed with another woman. Unable to face his betrayal, she retreats to Priest Lake, where her family owns a small cabin. But Gemma finds that she is not the only one hiding away at the lake to avoid an ugly truth.

Growing up, Andrew Monroe had been an intricate part of Gemma’s life but tragedy and misunderstanding shattered their bond, separating them, and they have lived with only their memories of each other for the past twenty years. As they rekindle their friendship, sparks ignite that neither one of them can resist, but the ghosts of the past linger between them, jeopardizing everything that they have worked so hard to rebuild.

Just when Gemma feels that she has found her second chance at happiness, she is faced with a shocking truth as her reality spirals out of control. She can’t deny the powerful force that brought Andrew back into her life anymore than she can defy the same force that now threatens to pull them apart.

An emotionally charged, heart-wrenching story that will leave you to question the freedom in truth and the existence of fate in its deepest sense.

Buy Now
I should have noticed the charcoal-gray Marc Jacobs handbag—from last season, no less—that lay conspicuously on the entryway tile as I crossed the threshold of my eighth-floor condo where Ryan and I had lived in Seattle for the past six years, or Ryan’s suit jacket which he had worn to work that morning hanging carelessly from a hook of the mahogany coat rack, a family heirloom on his side. Instead, I was consumed with thoughts of how, undoubtedly, this was turning out to be the worst day ever.

Making my way directly to the kitchen, I frantically rummaged through the loose papers that were fanned out on the breakfast table, searching for the Hawkins file that I had mistakenly left behind this morning in my mad dash out the door. It would be this day of all days that the board of Hawkins Direct, the telecommunications company that I was representing, would call for an emergency meeting in the middle of the day. The one day that I had the absentmindedness to leave behind a key file in my otherwise flawless and perfectly scheduled world.

Tucking the file under my arm, I headed for the front door. Then I heard it. Muffled voices filtering in from the hallway that led to the master bedroom. My first thought was that someone was in my home—an intruder—which fueled my senses with adrenaline and an inkling of fear. But as I made my way down the hall, one foot in front of the other, scolding myself for not grabbing the magnum flashlight—my weapon of choice—from the drawer in the kitchen, I heard Ryan’s deep voice.

I instantly felt a sense of relief, certain that I was not being robbed—or worse, that I was about to be attacked—but when I heard a faint giggle, an unmistakable feminine tone, my fear was quickly replaced with a sense of dread. That sick feeling that instantly begins to fester in the pit of my stomach, anticipating what I would find on the other side of the partially closed door that led to my bedroom. The room where I had shared a bed with my husband of ten plus years.

I slowly pushed open the door, my eyes taking in the bare skin of Ryan’s back and the toned, tanned flesh of the small figure that lay beneath him, mostly obscured by his six-foot-four frame. I scanned every detail—from the way his short brown hair was being mussed by her dainty fingers to the rumpled duvet spread out underneath them as if they had been in such a hurry they hadn’t bothered to draw back the bedding. The bulge of his triceps, flexed from the restraint he used to hold himself above her as he moved with familiar sounds of intimacy and pleasure. Sounds that I had believed were reserved only for me. 
I had never imagined another woman eliciting such a response from him. I felt as if someone had ripped open my heart and snared every private moment that I had shared with my husband, dangling it in front of me like a carrot, mocking me. Look what I have. I stood motionless, trying to process the harrowing scene before me. My eyes moved from Ryan’s naked body to the incredulous open-mouthed expression that he wore when he finally turned to find me standing in our bedroom doorway. It was as if—until that very moment—he had forgotten me. His wife.

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*Review* Afterworlds by Scott Westerfled

Released : 23rd September
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Darcy Patel has put college and everything else on hold to publish her teen novel, Afterworlds. Arriving in New York with no apartment or friends she wonders whether she's made the right decision until she falls in with a crowd of other seasoned and fledgling writers who take her under their wings…

Told in alternating chapters is Darcy's novel, a suspenseful thriller about Lizzie, a teen who slips into the 'Afterworld' to survive a terrorist attack.

But the Afterworld is a place between the living and the dead and as Lizzie drifts between our world and that of the Afterworld, she discovers that many unsolved - and terrifying - stories need to be reconciled. And when a new threat resurfaces, Lizzie learns her special gifts may not be enough to protect those she loves and cares about most.

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- I love that it's in alternating views.
- Two main characters and two POV makes this story action packed!
- The characters were addictive and real

In Long
Let’s start this review with a few confessions that I am not that proud of!

#1 I haven’t read a book by Scott before. Yes, seriously!!

# 2 I have to admit that the size with Afterworlds scared me a little bit. It’s such a big book that I do often get put off by the size and go for the smaller reads, worried that I will get bored. If you are the same let me ensure you, you most definitely won’t get bored.

Okay, now onto the actual review. I love love love that this book is written from two different characters point of views and it almost felt like two separate books at some points because the characters and their life’s were so built up, real and strong. I think it’s also what made the book so addictive. I didn’t have time to get bored because you are thrown from one character to another and desperate for the next chapter to start so it follows on from where it finished beforehand (I did at one point skip to the next chapter just to see how things turned out then went back!)

The actual storyline is just pure genius. I was totally enthralled from page one and it’s one of those rare books where I literally just zoned out from my world and became totally entwined in this new and thrilling world where everything was fast paced and mind blowing. You don’t get a second to think before something else is thrown your way for you to absorb.

Final Thoughts

I think Afterworlds is like Marmite, you either love or hate it. For me, I most definitely LOVED it!


Excerpt + Giveaway - Taking Control

By Jen Frederick

The hotly anticipated sequel to Losing Control.

I thought I needed only one thing in my life–the money and power to crush one man. But the moment I laid eyes on Victoria Corielli, my thirst for revenge was replaced by my craving for her.

No rule would keep me away; no obstacle too large to overcome. Not her will, not our differing social positions, not my infamous past. When she lost everything, I helped her pick up the pieces. When she trusted me with everything, she sealed her fate.

I’ve convinced Victoria she can put her heart in my hands. Now I have to protect it–from her shady stepfather and my business rivals, from enemies known and hidden. I’ll do anything to keep her. And I might have to prove it, because now Victoria's risking more than her heart to be with me; she’s risking her life.


I want us to get married. Soon. Do you want a big wedding?”

“Married? I mean, I guess I thought you were serious but I figured…I don’t know.” Her voice trails off.

“That my proposal of marriage was somehow insincere? I’ve never wanted anything more. I just didn’t want to pressure you because of all the emotional upheaval you’re experiencing now.” Rolling over so she can see me and judge the sincerity for herself, I declare, “I want you to be my wife. The mother of any children we have. My partner in life. I want that to happen now so that I can introduce you as Mrs. Ian Kerr.”

Her eyes close for a moment and beneath the lids, silent tears leak out. Her words, though, are classic. “Maybe you should take my name. You can be Ian Corielli and I’ll introduce you as Mr. Victoria Corielli.”

“As long as it means you’re mine in the eyes of the world, I’ll be Mr. John Smith.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and clings to me. This time the shudders I’m soothing are from maybe, possibly, hopefully joy for our future. “I’m okay with Victoria Kerr,” she chokes out. “You better give me a big rock and lots of flowers since you’re proposing to me while we’re naked.”

“I proposed to you when I first took you to the house on the Long Island Sound.”

“You didn’t propose. You said that you wanted me to be your wife and fill your big house with lots of little people.”

“That’s a proposal.”

“It was a demand.”

“It was a request couched as a demand.”

Her body is shaking with laughter. “You’ve been in charge for too long. That was no request.”

Pushing to my knees, I reach into the nightstand and retrieve the box I bought before Sophie died. Her eyes grow huge and her hands come up to the cover her mouth. I flip the box lid open, pluck the ring out and toss it aside.

Lifting her shaking hand in mine, I slide the ring down her finger.

“When I was fifteen I made a hundred different stupid vows. I’d avenge my mother. I’d rise to the top of Wall Street and smite everyone down. I’d crush Richard Howe beneath the sole of my boot. I’d win at everything. But I never wished for happiness because I didn’t know what it was until you came into my life. How could I want something I didn’t know was missing? Now, everything I’ve achieved pales in comparison to having you love me. When I say that you’re my heart, my everything, those aren’t just words. They are the only truth in my world. I’d give up money, revenge, success, as long as I could lie down next to you at night and wake up with your face beside mine.

There is no greater achievement in my life than having you fall in love with me and I recognize on some mysterious level that is pure luck. I need you to marry me and be my wife. I need you to be the mother of my children. I need you because without you I am nothing. I am a pile of bones and flesh filled with misery. You bring me to life. Love me, marry me, be with me in this life and into all the ones we live from this point ever after.”

“Well, since you put it like that, I guess I must.” She rises and kisses me. Our mouths sealing the promises we’ve made to another one another.

I make love to her again then, slowly. We barely move. I just slide in and we rock together and allow the strength of our emotions to carry us into the heaven. 
Find Jen



Cover Reveal - Hostage by N.S Moore

By N.S Moore
My life is split into two realities. Before Code. And after him.

The first time I saw him, he walked into my father’s bank with the strut of a man who knows exactly what he wants. I saw in him a fearlessness that I desperately wanted, needed, craved as much as my next breath.

Because I was watching him, I knew immediately when he pulled out a gun, aimed it at the ceiling, and fired three shots.

And that is the way I mark my life—before that moment and after it. Before, when I tried to be agreeable, tried to be admired, tried to be pretty, tried to make sure everyone liked me. Tried to shake myself of shame. And after, when all of that fell away. When I just didn’t care anymore.

Before Code. And after him.

I didn’t know then what he would be to me. I didn’t know how he would transform the fabric of my existence. I didn’t know he would move me, reshape me, mold me into someone else, someone I wanted to be.

Afterwards, he would become my lover, my savior, my hope, and my strength.

But, before that, he was my hostage-taker.


Excerpt - The Right Song by Shane Morgan

The Right Song
The Right Song Excerpt 
“The First Performance”
Daegan mouths to me that I’m next. An onset of nervousness engulfs me. I say a silent prayer that I don’t screw this up and embarrass myself.
Walking over to the side of the stage, I smile at the singer as she makes her way off. She doesn’t look too pleased by her performance. She sounded okay to me.
The MC hops up to the microphone in a jolly manner. He asks everyone how they’re doing so far and then after a little chit-chat and some failed jokes, he finally looks at his cue card.
“All right, put your hands together for Aurora Law!”
Huh? He chopped off the rest of my last name.
I swallow back the stiffness in my throat, clutch my guitar, and head up the steps.
Everyone claps as I make my way to centerstage. Daegan’s right—you can’t really see the faces of the audience with all the light focusing on the stage.
I glance behind at the band and ask if they know Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Walk Away’. The drummer is the only one familiar with the song, so I tell the others to let me lead with my guitar and just fall in with the beat.
It’s an up-tempo song. I figure it’ll give the energetic crowd something to rock to. Hopefully, I can pull this off.
Edging back to the microphone stand, I inhale a soft breath and try to spot his face for motivation. I didn’t think I’d be able to make him out in this dark room, but somehow I do. Daegan’s on his feet behind the audience. His eyes lock with mine, eagerly waiting for me to deliver something great.
I don’t want to let him down. I don’t want to disappoint myself.

My chest relaxes. Melodies float around in my head. I hear the harmonies. I can do this.
Find Shane

Buy The Right Song 
Amazon (UK/USA)


Author Interview - Wendy Owens

Author Interview
What type of character and person is Mac?
Mac is a person that is like many of us. She considered herself strong at one point in her life, but when she loses the people that matter the most to her she realizes that strength she had was an illusion. Even though it seems like love might be trying to find it's way into her life again she is a stubborn one, and until she finds that inner strength to stand alone in the world again, she isn't about to let someone else in.

Which book have you enjoyed writing the most in the Stubborn Love Series?
For me the series was about some personal healing. Only in Dreams meant the world to me because it came at a time when I was coping with the loss of my brother-in-law. He had been in our lives since I was in high school, he was the godfather to my children, and the love of my sister's life. Then suddenly he was gone. I didn't know how to deal with the pain. I was hurting and everyone around me was hurting. I needed a way to work through that grief and Only in Dreams gave me that outlet.

What do you enjoy most about writing Romantic books?
I'm one of those authors that will write whatever she is feeling, nomatter what the genre is. Romance however has become one of those genres where I get to work through my own issues with relationships. Failures, successes, even relationships I watch my closest family and friends go through. I am careful to only draw inspiration though, and never pull direct story lines.

Is there any topic which you haven't yet wrote about which you would like to?

Yes, there are a couple, but right now I am working on an outline to a manuscript that deals with a kidnap victim and people's assumptions about people. Mystery and Intrigue are weaved throughout the plot with some steamy romance as well.

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Blog Tour - How We Deal with Gravity Excerpt

Displaying GravityCover_Final.jpg
How We Deal With Gravity
by Ginger Scott
Adore this cover a lot!

He’s watching me over his phone. I can see his eyes move to me every so often, and I just smile and continue on with my work. His attention scares the hell out of me, because I know how quickly it can latch on to someone else. But for now, I give myself this little moment. Right now, slightly drunk, Mason Street finds me pretty enough to flirt with, and damn it, I am.

“Do you ever just stop?” Mason asks, pushing his phone back into his pocket and dropping his feet to the ground. He leans forward on his elbows, looking at me across the table. His arms flex slightly, and I can’t help but shift my gaze to his bicep and the tattoo.

“What’s with the tiger?” I ask, changing the subject entirely.

“He was a makeup tattoo. Covering up something stupid I got when I was drunk once in Vegas. You didn’t answer my question.” He moves over a seat, so he’s closer to me, and I shift my tray to my other hip, just to add a barrier. He notices, and his lip curls up on the side in a devious grin.

“I know. I’m avoiding it,” I say back. He’s not going to charm me—this girl can dish it, and take it.

He sits back in his chair, and folds his arms now, propping a foot back up along the side of the table. He’s chewing at the inside of his cheek, and I’m just waiting for him to come back with a second round. I keep loading up my tray, and when it’s full, I turn to leave. I’m almost free when Mason catches up to me and walks me to the bar.

“I probably should have asked that differently,” he says, pulling the tray from my hands and putting the dirties in the bin before handing it back to me. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Avery. Not a girl in her twenties, anyways. You just go and go and go. And I was just thinking, you never take time to just stop—and to just be.”
I’m sure the face I’m making back at him isn’t flattering, but really…that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. How can I just be?

“You know what kind of girl does that?” I say, moving in a little closer just so Mason knows he doesn’t intimidate me. “A vapid one, without a kid, and who is planning a beach-house getaway with her girlfriends. That girl is a fairytale, Mason. Make-believe. Us realwomen? We have responsibilities—and we put other people first. Because it’s the right thing to do. So no—no, I don’t just ever…stop. Too much depends on me going.”
I can actually feel my hands shaking I’m so flustered by this conversation. All I want to do is smash my tray in his face and race off to the locker area to lie down and breathe. But I can’t.

I can’t, because somewhere in the midst of my rant, Mason grabbed my hand with his, and now all I can freaking focus on is the feeling of his thumb lightly grazing my fingers and how much it makes me want to burst into tears.

“One drink, right before close. That’s all I’m asking,” Mason says, his eyes boring into mine like lasers. “I’m not saying pick up and go backpacking across Europe. I’m just asking you to take a break, for once in your life. Have a beer with the guys and me while Ray closes up. We’ll shoot some pool, or throw some darts. Twenty minutes, and then you can go back to living for everyone else.”
Mason’s hand is still on mine, and my brain is tangled from the many emotions being mixed like a blender inside my chest. Whatever the cause, I nod yes slowly, and slide my hand from his.


Cover Reveal - Knocked Out by Ty Langston

Knocked Out Cover
Adore this cover! So hot!
Knocked Out 
By Ty Langston 

Fresh out of Grad School, Hayley Monroe gets the chance of a lifetime when her boss gives her the opportunity to produce and host a reality series on finding MMA’s “Next Great Hope”.

Enter former MMA contender Evan Bates. His sudden re-appearance into the sport after a mysterious five year absence not only raises eyebrows, but also temps both in and out of the Octagon. 

Can Hayley keep everything in check? Or will she be Knocked Out,

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His ripped body was a carved muscular masterpiece. On his shoulder there were two initials, E.B tattooed in a celtic font followed by the word enigma in the same font on his right calf.
“So this is Evan Bates.” Hayley asked Tucker.
“In the flesh. Damn, he looks tremendous. ” Tucker said.
“Yes, he does.” Hayley said as she glanced at Evan again and smiled back at him.
Tucker shook his head. “Oh boy.” Tucker went from being jovial to being concerned. “Be careful little girl, he’s dangerous . Once he catches you, he won’t let go.”
Hayley looked at Evan for several seconds before she answered her mentor. “Let go?” she asked.
“He’s complicated. Just use caution.”
Hayley understood. She knew he was right, but she like others in the crowd, she was into his eyes, that devilish grin, the 6 pack abs …That ass.
Think Hayley, you have a show to produce. He has the charisma and movie star looks down, but can he fight? Focus...
“I love you Evan!!” another woman screamed back.
Evan let out a huge grin. “Love you too.” He said with another grin.
That damn smile was as devious as it was delicious. Her only hope was that no one saw the puddle of drool that was most likely pouring out of her mouth.
He was going to be the death of me. Damn grin.
Find Ty



Blog Tour - Taste by Cambria Hebert

The room was completely silent except for the light scrawling of my pen across paper. Maybe that’s why I heard the sound.
It was a low scraping sound, like wood rubbing against wood. I tilted my head, confused. It was an odd sound to hear in the middle of the night, something I might not even think twice about if it were daylight.
But it wasn’t.
A muffled thump overhead caused my entire body to tighten like a shoelace with a double knot. My head snapped back to stare up at the ceiling.
I was being crazy.
I was being paranoid.
There was someone in the apartment!
A surge of adrenaline so powerful it blurred my vision for a few seconds rocketed through me. My brain tried to think as my body went into overdrive. That first sound, someone had opened a window upstairs. The thump was when that someone dropped their up-to-no-good ass into my house.
Still clutching the pen, I raced for the stairs, out of my mind with fear. All the times my mother told me I needed to get a landline phone installed haunted me in that moment. My only means of calling for help was upstairs, beside my bed, in the form of my smart phone.
She was never going to let me hear the end of this.
If I survive. The thought floated through my head like a vicious taunt. Another light scuffling sound upstairs had my heart thumping even harder.
My God, it might not be me they hurt!
I wasn’t quiet on my way up the old wooden steps. In fact, I sounded like a herd of elephants that needed to lose about twenty pounds.
It would draw all the attention of the no good dirty rotten bastards in here.
Come get me, assholes.
It was dark upstairs except for the nightlight that lit up the hallway. Against the long wall across from that light, I saw a dark, lurking shadow pass. I gasped and my blood pressure skyrocketed so high that my scalp likely should have blown off the top of my head.
Holy shit, this was scary.
But I had to be strong. I had to be a fighter. I was a fighter.
The intruder appeared at the top of the stairs, slipping out of my bedroom just as I cleared the top step. His body tensed when he saw me, and then he rushed me without warning.

A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult